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Should You Kill Idira Or Not in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Featured Image Should You Kill Idira Or Not in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Featured Image


Should You Kill Idira Or Not in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

The pros of cons of murder for Idira!




In Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader, Idira is an unsanctioned Psyker who acts as a playable companion in your crew.

As you progress through the game, she will begin to display extreme signs of heretic behaviour justifying the opportunity to kill her – but should you?

Should You Kill Idira Or Not

There remains a lot of discourse amongst fans about whether you should or shouldn’t kill Idira in the game.

Many think her actions speak for themselves, that she deserves death! Others acknowledge what she brings to your combat as well as a quest later on in the game.

We’ll break down the Pros and Cons of killing her and how they will impact your gameplay!

Pros of Killing Idira

Perhaps the biggest pro of killing Idira is putting an end to her outright craziness! In the game, the void will start to mutate Psyker characters and cause them to act more violent – summoning demons and ghosts. She’s a ticking time bomb!

By killing Idira, you can put a stop to that as well as the atrocities she will go on to commit in the wider Warhammer 40K lore – these are more plot and morality related.

You might consider giving her over to Argenta who believes Idira knows her secret. Letting Argenta kill her will gain you considerable favor with the character.

Some players also don’t find her the most beneficial character to have in your team. You can get through much of the game with Heinrix as your Psyker build and by handing over the navigator duties to Cassia – she isn’t a completely essential character in that respect.

SIDE NOTE: If you’re wondering which gift to get Cassia, we have a guide you for that as well.

Cons of Killing Idira

There are a few reasons not to kill Idira of course.

Firstly, you will lose access to the quest in Act IV with her. This isn’t the most detrimental to the plot but can be a nice addition. You’ll get loot, experience and further your relationship with the character.

There are a few gameplay reasons to keep the character alive. She hears cryptic voices and can communicate cryptic messages to your team. This translates into being able to avoid ambush encounters from enemies which is seriously handy!

She can also enact high mental damage on tank-based targets and bosses. She may not be as powerful as Cassia, but she does serve her purpose.

Fans have also pointed out that none of the companions in the game are totally pure. Most will at some point have negative effects on your story or crew, so you shouldn’t hold them to such high moral principles.


Killing Idira or not, seems to be a decision that comes down to the type of gameplay run you’re playing.

The overall effect is pretty minimal, but of you’re playing Dogmatic, Iconoclast or trying for a purity run – you’ll probably want to keep her.

ALSO READ: How To Win Against Yremeryss in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

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