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Officer Noble Build Guide (Best Archetype Buffer & Party Face) in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

Buff your party and get all the extra turns you want!




The Officer Noble build is one of the strongest in Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, as it makes use of the best archetype for buffing.

Honestly, the Officer archetype and Noble origins are a match made in heaven. Putting the two together will get you the best buffer and the best party leader!

In this guide, we’ll go over what you need to do to make your own Officer Noble build.

Officer Noble Build Breakdown

Officer Noble Build Guide (Best Archetype Buffer & Party Face) in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader - Origin

As the name implies, the Officer Noble build relies on a character with the Noble origin and the Officer archetype.

Both of them are focused on Fellowship, which makes the Officer Noble extremely versatile both inside and outside of battle.

Outside of combat, Fellowship will allow your Officer Noble to become the “face” of your party, so to speak. Their high charisma will make them very likely to succeed in most dialogue checks!

As for combat, Fellowship will allow the Officer Noble to generate lots of Momentum during battles, and it also improves some of the Officer’s Archetype abilities.

Finest Hour!

The main reason to use this build, though, is the “Finest Hour!” Heroic Act!

“Finest Hour!” allows the Officer Noble to grant extra Action and Movement Points to any ally. Picking the right upgrades even lets the ally regenerate AP if they kill enemies during this extra turn.

On top of all that, the Officer has a variety of powerful buffs such as “Bring It Down!” and “Voice of Command” that can grant even more extra turns and buff the stats of allies.

Fellowship stat

Overall, you’ll be playing the Officer Noble as a supporting unit. You’ll focus on buffing other units and giving them extra turns, ensuring that you can quickly dispatch enemies before they can even act.

In essence, this build becomes the backbone of your team, both inside and outside of combat. Even more so if you’re playing on higher difficulties!

Now, let’s take a look at which talents and abilities you should get as you level up your Officer Noble.

Levels 2 to 15: Officer

Officer Noble Build Guide (Best Archetype Buffer & Party Face) in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader - Officer Levels

You’ll be using the Officer basic archetype until Level 15, and here are the choices you should go with for each level until then:

  • Level 2 – You’ll choose a dialogue-related skill here. Pick whichever you want between Persuasion or Coercion.
  • Level 3 – “Bring It Down!”
  • Level 4 – “Finest Hour!” Heroic Act and “Seize the Initiative” talent.
  • Level 5 – Fellowship stat increase and “You, Do Something” talent.
Officer Part 2
  • Level 6 – “Focus!” talent and Fellowship stat increase.
  • Level 7 – “Air of Authority” ability and “Characteristic Training: Fellowship” talent.
  • Level 8 – “Inspiring Speech” talent and either Persuasion or Coercion skill.
  • Level 9 – “Finest Hour!” Upgrade IV.
  • Level 10 – Either Persuasion or Coercion skill. If you’ve already maxed one out, choose the other. Also, get a Toughness stat increase.
Officer Part 3
  • Level 11 – “Personal Oversight” talent and Toughness stat increase.
  • Level 12 – “Take Aim!” ability and “It Will Not Die” talent.
  • Level 13 – “Steel Resolve” talent and either Persuasion or Coercion skill. At this point, you should have maxed out both Persuasion and Coercion for the Officer.
  • Level 14 – Willpower stat increase and “Characteristic Increase: Agility” talent.
  • Level 15 – “Finest Hour!” Upgrade I.

Levels 16 to 35: Master Tactician

Officer Noble Build Guide (Best Archetype Buffer & Party Face) in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader - Master Tactician

For the second archetype, we’ll be choosing Master Tactician. It works best when combined with Officer, so it’s a no-brainer choice here. Now, this is how you should level up until Level 36:

  • Level 16 – You’ll automatically get the “Tactical Advantage” and “Press the Advantage” keystone features here.
  • Level 17 – “Linchpin” ability.
  • Level 18 – “In The Hero’s Footsteps” talent.
  • Level 19 – “Orchestrated Firestorm” ability.
  • Level 20 – “AP Increase” improvement and Fellowship stat increase.
  • Level 21 – Fellowship stat increase and “Nevers of Steel” talent.
Master Tactician Part 2
  • Level 22 – “Assign Objective” ability.
  • Level 23 – “Hidden Advantage” talent and Persuasion skill.
  • Level 24 – Agility stat increase and “Base Skill: Persuasion” talent.
  • Level 25 – “Against All Odds” talent.
  • Level 26 – Persuasion skill and Agility stat increase.
  • Level 27 – Any upgrade for the “Last Volley” Heroic Act. Ideally, though, you’ll always spend Momentum on “Finest Hour!” instead, so it doesn’t matter what you choose.
  • Level 28 – “Reliance” talent.
  • Level 29 – Coercion skill and Agility stat increase.
Master Tactician Part 3
  • Level 30 – “Advanced Skill: Persuasion” and “Inspire” ability.
  • Level 31 – “Comfort in Conformity” talent.
  • Level 32 – Agility stat increase and Coercion skill.
  • Level 33 – “Stand Resolute” talent.
  • Level 34 – Toughness stat increase and “Base Skill: Coercion”.
  • Level 35 – Again, any upgrade you want for the “Last Volley” Heroic Act.

Levels 36 and Beyond: Exemplar

Officer Noble Build Guide (Best Archetype Buffer & Party Face) in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader - Exemplar

Now, it’s time to go into the Exemplar archetype! There aren’t many worthwhile Exemplar-unique abilities for your Officer Noble, so you’ll mostly be choosing leftovers from Officer and Master Tactician.

This is what your level-up choices should look like:

  • Level 36 – “Eager Subordinates” talent and “Steady!” talent.
  • Level 37 – Persuasion skill and “Primary Objective” talent.
  • Level 38 – Fellowship stat increase and either “Nimble” or “Advanced Skill: Coercion” for talent.
  • Level 39 – “Get Back In The Fight!” ability and Persuasion skill.
  • Level 40 – You can choose either “Flagbearer”, “Attention!”, or “Firebrand” for your first talent. Then, choose “Heroic Inspiration” for your final talent.
Officer Noble gameplay

Phew, at long last your Officer Noble build should be complete!

At this point, you should be hitting the action limit on every single round of combat, and the attackers in your party will deal insane damage thanks to all the buffs. You should be unstoppable, now!

You might also be interested in our other Rogue Trader Build guides here:

ALSO READ: How To Beat Uralon Act 4 Boss in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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