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how to counter buy station campers in warzone 2 dmz anti camper equipment guide how to counter buy station campers in warzone 2 dmz anti camper equipment guide


How to Counter Buy Station Campers in Warzone 2 & DMZ | Anti-Camper Equipment Guide

You wanna get rid of Campers? Read this guide to know how.

Doben Villaruz



In Warzone 2.0, you begin by jumping out of an airplane and parachuting to the ground. You then grab a gun, go on the search for loot, and if you find any cash, you might want to use it to purchase armor and firearms. But what if campers are swarming that buy station? Right now, campers are quite annoying, and dealing with them without the right strategies can be challenging. Don’t worry, guys; we’ve got your back as we talk about how to get rid of those campers!

Warzone 2.0: Decoy Grenades

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The most deadly location in Al Mazra is the buy station, where gamers are willing to wait patiently for the next victim while sitting motionlessly with their weapon securely fixed on the window ledge.

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Even though the play style may seem shady, it is incredibly effective, especially in Warzone solos. You are at a severe disadvantage while stoically browsing through the selections on the screen.

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A really common ground loot item that hardly anyone uses is the decoy grenade. The advantages of decoy grenades are multipurpose. It first creates gunfight sound effects that may be heard within a 50-meter radius to serve as a diversion.

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And since third-party involvement in a conflict is just unavoidable, decoy grenades can be very effective. To swiftly secure your gear and draw the attention of nearby adversaries, simply throw one or two grenades near the buy station.

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When the decoy grenade is activated, you will receive an enemy distracted notification if adversaries are within 25 meters of the grenade; this is a very helpful tool for examining buildings and provides 100% certainty of an enemy presence. The decoy grenade also offers an awareness bonus.


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Next is the DDoS, which has the ability to disable hostile electronics but whose main advantage is the purpose of looking for campers is to raise awareness.

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Any enemies within a twelve meter radius of the DDoS will be alerted to the EMP by the DDoS. You only need to approach close to a building you wish to scan before initiating the DDoS and then watch for a notification that will signal an enemy presence.

This EMP effect will move with you and remain for a length of 6 seconds, which can allow you to scan many buildings. You can finish your buy station purchase once you’re sure a building is clear.

Inflatable Decoy

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Although not many of us are deceived by the sight of an artificial soldier at this time, the inflatable decoy is a goofy but somewhat useful field upgrade. It does look very convincing standing stationary in front of a buy station especially from a distance.

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Throw the decoy in front of the buy station, and then wait to see whether it draws enemy fire. If the decoy survives, it is probably safe to move forward and acquire your equipment.

Deployable Covers

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If you’re lucky enough to find multiple deployable covers, you can cover more vulnerable lines of sight. Deployable covers are a common floor loot field upgrade that offer a very basic and simple form of physical cover.

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Deployable covers are a common floor loot field upgrade that offer a very basic and simple form of physical cover.

You simply need to choose the most vulnerable angle before deployment and by crouching, you’ll be fully protected unless the enemy has a significant height advantage.

Heartbeat Sensor

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The Heartbeat sensor is the next piece of tactical gear, and despite having a limited horizontal range of 15 meters, it has an unlimited vertical range. It can detect enemies through walls and has a 180 degree scan area.

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And while though the ghost perk in the early game completely negates the heartbeat sensor, it is still quite viable and capable of scanning small to medium-sized structures, including the higher floors and rooftops.

Tactical Cameras

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The Tactical Camera is a covert recon tool that can increase field awareness and provide a high level of awareness. As long as you’re within 75 meters of the camera, you can manually control the camera from a secure position.

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By positioning enemies inside the display’s center square marking area, enemies can be marked. As long as they are in a straight line of sight and within 40 meters.

But since the opponent will be notified if they are marked, it can occasionally be useful to purposefully not mark them in order to take advantage on the element of surprise.

Portable Radar

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The portable radar is a field upgrade that is commonly found in crates and floor loot. It operates as a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and has a short range of only 15 meters. It also has a 20-second lifespan.

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The portable radar’s limited range significantly reduces its usefulness for buy station awareness, but it is still appropriate for inspecting smaller structures, and its infinite vertical scan will reveal any sentinels that may be positioned on the higher floors or even rooftops.

Smoke Grenades

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The next tactical grenade is the smoke grenade, which offers visual cover and is quite beneficial in many scenarios. Unlike in some older Call of Duty games though, the smoke grenades are bouncy, making it challenging to fire them with pinpoint accuracy.

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However, you should try to position the detonation in front of the buy station so that you have about 7 seconds of visual cover, which should be enough time to secure your gear.

Recon Drone

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The Recon Drone offers similar awareness advantages to the tactical camera, but with the extra advantage of mobility. The Recon Drone’s battery life is 45 seconds, which is more than enough time for a full aerial search.

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Even though the cold blooded perk completely negates the recon drone’s ability to detect enemies through walls, you will still benefit from a visual survey of nearby rooftops to make sure that there are no enemies present.

With an enemy detection range of 100 meters, it will detect enemies even through walls and is capable of marking enemies if you can obtain a direct line of sight.

The Almighty UAV

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It makes sense why the all-powerful UAV, which ranks first in the kill streak category and has the capacity to reveal the whereabouts of any non-ghosted foes within a 250-meter radius, is an uncommon kill streak. Players that are fortunate enough to find one early in the game often make the mistake of calling it in right away during the first round of looting.

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You’re probably better off at this point simply using your ears and listening for footsteps and saving the UAV for when you’re ready to visit the buy station because there aren’t many campers at this point in the game and everyone is on the move gathering loot.

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We appreciate “FavstaR” sharing his knowledge of Warzone 2.0 with us and showing us how to eliminate campers in the game. Please follow his YouTube channel for more gaming tips and tricks! As usual, Happy Gaming and stay safe everyone!

FavstaR (Youtube):

ALSO READ: Warzone 2: New Loadout Drop System and Perks Explained

He likes anime, video games, and Vtubers (Virtual Youtubers) . Mostly spends his time at home rather than socializing outside. His dream was always to go to Japan.

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