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Best Teams for Koleda in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0

Don’t underestimate the pipsqueak with a sledgehammer!




Koleda is a unique Fire Agent from the Belobog Industries faction in Zenless Zone Zero, and she does best when placed into very specific teams.

As a Stun specialist, she should have a lot of versatility for building her. However, she relies on one of the other Belobog characters to truly maximize her damage potential. It makes it a tad hard to build a proper team for her.

In this guide, we’ll tell you who are the best characters to partner up with Koleda!

Best Teams for Koleda | Zenless Zone Zero Team Building

Koleda and Ben

Koleda is a bit of an oddball when it comes to her best teams in Zenless Zone Zero. The main reason for this is that she has a unique synergy with Ben Bigger. Having Ben in your team will enhance even Koleda’s basic combo attacks, as they partner up to attack. Thankfully, since Ben and Koleda both belong to Belobog Industries, pairing them activates both of their Additional Abilities.

The big downside to this is that you’re basically required to have Ben Bigger on your team if you want to make the most of Koleda’s kit. This can be annoying if you don’t like Ben and it also limits Koleda’s team-building potential. On the upside, you can get Ben for free by simply progressing through Chapter 2 of the game’s main story. If you already have Koleda, getting Ben takes no effort!

Now, so far that means you should have Koleda as a Stun and Ben Bigger as a Defense, both dealing Fire damage. Your final character for your team should be an Attack character who synergizes with them and we think Soldier 11 is your best bet.

Soldier 11

Soldier 11 naturally deals higher damage than usual to Stunned enemies, making her synergize extremely well with Koleda’s Stun role. What’s more, Soldier 11 is also a Fire Agent so her Additional Ability will be activated. As a Fire-only team, you’ll also have an easy time applying the Burn Anomaly, which is particularly strong against Organic foes!

In summary, your best guideline when making teams for Koleda in Zenless Zone Zero is to pair her with Ben Bigger (Defense) and Soldier 11 (Attack). You’ll be incinerating foes with this powerful team of Fire Agents!

Best Alternatives to Soldier 11 Teams

Koleda Mindscape

If Lady Luck isn’t favoring you and you fail to get Soldier 11 from the game’s gacha, you’ll need to make do with another Attack Agent. You can go for ones that don’t fit the requirements for Additional Ability synergies, such as Billy or Corin, but it’s definitely not recommended.

Anton is another potential choice here, as he at least gets to trigger his Additional Ability when put alongside Koleda and Ben. After all, he belongs to the Belobog faction as well. That said, his kit doesn’t really synergize well with Koleda’s overall.

Piper and Lucy, potential partners for Koleda

Alternatively, you could opt to drop Ben and pair Koleda alongside Piper and Lucy. Both of them are Fire Agents from the Sons of Calydon faction and pretty strong fighters on their own. However, you’ll lose out on Koleda’s enhanced attacks due to not having Ben in your team.

Nonetheless, these are potential alternatives in case you simply can’t get Soldier 11! But we still consider Koleda’s best teams in Zenless Zone Zero to be the ones with Ben and Soldier 11. Nothing else comes close for her in terms of synergy, at least currently.

If you want help building a team for the other Belobog Industries lady currently available, check out our Grace team-building guide!

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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