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Age of Mythology Retold: Ra Build Order Guide (2 TC Rain)

Time to make good use of Ra’s weather control power!




Ra is one of the most unique Major Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold, particularly thanks to his Rain ability.

Rain allows Ra’s farmers to work 200% faster, greatly bolstering the amount of Food they produce. On top of that, Ra also has unique passives that allow his Pharaohs to Empower more buildings and even allow his Priests to Empower as well. When it’s all used properly, Ra can have a much faster production rate than most other gods!

In this guide, we’ll give you a build order for Ra in Age of Mythology: Retold that heavily focuses on maximizing productivity through Rain.

Ra Build Order Guide (2 TC Rain) | Age of Mythology: Retold

Starting out

The first thing to do in this build order for Ra in Age of Mythology: Retold is to set your first 3 Civilians to build a Granary and then hunt for Food. Your next Civilian after that should instead build a Monument first, then a Mining Camp. Assign this 4th Civilian to a Gold Mine once they’re done with the construction work. Your initial setup here will be 3 on Food and 1 on Gold.

At this point, make sure to set your Priest to Empower the Mining Camp and your Pharaoh to Empower the Granary. They’ll improve production for both buildings early on.

Early game progression example

After that, you want to add your next 2 Civilians to Gold as well. The 6 Civilians after that should go hunt for Food. Once you have 9 Civilians on Food, any new Civilians you get should go toward Gold. This setup should work until you get the 150 Gold required for the Temple.

The moment you have 150 Gold, take 2 of your Civilians and your Priest from the Mining Camp. Assign them to build a Temple, with the Priest empowering the Temple from the start. Take the third remaining Civilian from the Gold Mine and task them with building a House.

Ready to advance

With all the construction work done, you should have 15 Population as follows: 9 Civilians on Food, 4 Civilians on Gold, 1 Priest at the Temple, and 1 Pharaoh at the Granary. Get one more Civilian and add them to the Gold Mine, then move 6 Civilians from Food to Gold. Ultimately, you should have 3 Civilians on Food and 11 on Gold.

At this point, you should have everything set to advance to the Classical Age. Choose Ptah as your Minor God. While advancing, move your Priest over to Empower the Granary and set your Pharaoh to Empower the Mining Camp.

Early Classical Age

Early Classical Age example

The moment you advance into the Classical Age, take 4 of your Civilians from the Gold Mine and build a Lumber Camp near trees. Assign these 4 Civilians to gather Wood instead of Gold from now on. At the same time, have the rest of your Civilians from the Gold Mine build a Village Center.

Now, this is where the trick for this Ra build order in Age of Mythology: Retold comes in, as you’ll be making use of Rain to bolster the Village Center. This, in turn, should offset the slower production speed that the Village Center has compared to Town Centers. It’s also much easier and safer to set up than trying to acquire another Settlement right away.

At this point, all that’s left is to get the following upgrades:

  • Pickaxe (50 Food, 120 Wood)
  • Shaduf (150 Wood, 10 Favor)
  • Husbandry (100 Wood, 50 Gold)
  • Plow (50 Wood, 100 Gold)

Once you have started research on all of these upgrades, move all of your Wood-gathering Civilians over to the Gold Mine. Similarly, wait for the Food-gathering Civilians to finish gathering from any animals they’ve hunted. Move them to Gold once they’re available, as well as your Priest.

Late Classical Age and Beyond

Farms fully set up with Rain active

At this point, all that’s left is for you to fully transition to farming. Set up about 12 to 14 Farms around your Town Center, build various Houses to expand your Population, and set up an Armory. Make sure to get a few new Civilians to gather Wood, but focus primarily on Food and Gold as you progress. Make sure to cast Rain as soon as you finish setting up your Farms, as well.

You should now be pretty far into the Classical Age, and there’s not much of a set build order at this point. What you do will depend heavily on what enemy civilizations are trying to do and which Minor Gods you wish to focus on as you advance through more ages.

So, our last tip for this Ra build order in Age of Mythology: Retold is to make sure that you build Monuments whenever you can andto cast Rain as often as possible. Also, set Pharaohs to Empower the Monuments. This will spread the effect to any nearby buildings, thanks to Ra’s Mandjet ability. Combine that with Rain and your Farms in particular will be incredibly efficient!

If you’d prefer playing an Egyptian god that conquers foes through more aggressive means, check out our Set build order guide.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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