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Age of Mythology Retold: Set Build Order Guide (Two TC Anubites)

Get two powerful Myth Units ASAP!




Set is an offense-oriented Egyptian Major God in Age of Mythology: Retold and the right build order can benefit him greatly by getting two Anubites and Town Centers (TC) early.

Anubites are one of the strongest Myth Units in the game if you get them early on, and they’re exclusive to Egyptian civilizations that have Anubis as their Minor God. They are quick and can swiftly jump to attack enemies and close gaps. They can even jump over walls, making them great for dealing with more defensive civilizations!

In this guide, we’ll give you a build order that will grant you two Anubites and TC as early as possible when playing as Set in Age of Mythology: Retold.

Set Build Order Guide (Two TC Anubites) | Age of Mythology: Retold

Starting the match

The goal for this Set build order in Age of Mythology: Retold is to get 2 Town Centers (TC) and 2 Anubites as early as possible. To start, your initial 3 Civilians should build a Granary and then hunt for Food. Once the Granary is ready, set your Pharaoh to Empower it for increased production.

When that’s all set up and ready to go, get a new Civilian. Task this Civilian with building a Monument right away, then make them build a House when the Monument is done. Get 2 more Civilians and make them build a Mining Camp, as well. Once the Civilian building the House is done, assign them to the Gold Mine.

Ready to advance, temple built

Next up, get more Civilians and assign them to gather Food. At this point, you want to get 9 Civilians assigned to Food and 3 Civilians assigned to Gold. Keep this setup until you reach 150 Gold. As soon as you get 150 Gold, swap the group of 3 Civilians from mining Gold to building a Temple. You want all of them working on it at once so you can get it ready as soon as possible.

When the Temple is completed, start advancing to the Classical Age through Anubis. Also, make your Food Civilians drop the Food back at the Town Center. You’ll now want to change your setup to have 3 Civilians gathering Food and the rest at the Gold Mine. Speed up Gold production further by setting the Pharaoh to Empower the Gold Mine.

Reaching the Classical Age

Classical Age reached

If you’ve managed to do everything efficiently up to this point, you should advance to the Classical Age in under 4 minutes. You’ll automatically get an Anubite once you advance and you can queue up training for the second Anubite as soon as you reach the Classical Age.

When you have both of your Anubites ready, you can use one of them to try to disrupt the enemy civilization. Try to disrupt their ability to gather Food or Wood to slow down their progress.

As for the second Anubite, send them along 5 or so of your Civilians to the nearest Settlement. Try to take it for yourself so that you can establish your second Town Center early.

Feet of the Jackal upgrade

Additionally, we recommend that you research the Feet of the Jackal upgrade as soon as possible at the Temple. It requires 200 Gold and 10 Fervor, and it upgrades your Anubites to Guardian Anubites. They are vastly improved in pretty much every way, so it’s a powerful upgrade to get early when Anubites are most relevant.

But well, that’s all you need to know for this Set build order in Age of Mythology: Retold, you should now have two Anubites and TC ready. At this point, strategies will differ greatly based on what your enemies have done. Nonetheless, you have a solid starting point now!

If you wish to play as a more technology-oriented Egyptian God, check out our Isis standard opener guide.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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