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Space Marine 2: Which Class Is Best For You?

Not all Space Marines are equal.




Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 features certain multiplayer modes where you can pick one of six different classes, and it’s important to figure out which class is the best for you.

All of the six classes have their pros and cons, with none of them being particularly bad. Each class basically just accommodates a different playstyle and role. That also means that which one is best for you will depend on your tastes!

Nonetheless, we can help you out. In this guide, we’ll give you a quick breakdown of every class in Spacer Marines 2’s Operation Mode so that you can decide which one to play as.

Which Class Is Best For You?


Tactical Class

The first class we’ll talk about is the Tactical, which covers the “jack-of-all-trades” role in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

Tactical is a very versatile and easy-to-use class, owing to the fact that they have a wider variety of ranged weapons to choose from than others. In fact, no other class comes close to the sheer selection of weapons for the Tactical! This makes them very beginner-friendly, as you can try out more weapons while you decide on what playstyle to focus on.

Tactical Class Gameplay

What’s more, the Tactical also has one of the most versatile Class Abilities in the game: Auspex Scan. This ability lets them mark all enemies in an area for at least 8 seconds. Marked enemies are easier to spot and also take more damage than normal! It’s always welcome in every team since it effectively makes everyone stronger.

Overall, the Tactical is the best class for you in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 if you want an extremely versatile class that is easy to play.


Assault Class

Do you tire of just shooting your enemies from afar? Would you rather get up in their face and smash them with a hammer? Well, the Assault class is what you want!

The Assault class has no access to primary ranged weapons at all, favoring melee weapons exclusively instead. Assault can pick either the Chainsword, Power Fist, or Thunder Hammer as their melee weapon, each one providing a different flavor for melee combat. You also get to pick a Bolt Pistol or Heavy Bolt Pistol for your secondary weapon, giving you some ranged options.

Assault using the Thunder Hammer

To help them get into melee range, the Assault class has the Jump Pack Class Ability. It enhances your dashes and gives you access to powerful jumps, letting you quickly close the distance against foes. What’s more, you can jump into the air and dive down with a strong AoE smash attack to obliterate groups of foes!

When it comes down to it, Assault is the best class for you if you prefer to do away with ranged combat and go all in on melee combat. Who doesn’t love smashing foes to bit with a giant sledgehammer, anyway?


Vanguard Class

The Tactical, despite being a jack-of-all-trades, focuses mostly on ranged combat. The Assault, on the other hand, focuses more on melee combat. But what if you want both? That’s where the Vanguard comes in!

Vanguard, as the class name implies, is meant to be the front line for the team. They get a decent variety of ranged weapons to pick from, as well as the Chainsword and Combat Knife for melee weapons. Additionally, the Vanguard can also get unique Perks to make Parrying and Dodging easier. This helps bolster their survivability, which they’ll need out on the frontlines.

Vanguard's Dive Kick

The Class Ability for the Vanguard is the Grapnel Launcher. It’s a unique grappling hook tool that you shoot at foes, letting you instantly pull yourself toward them. You can even follow it up with a dive kick, making it a fantastic ability for quickly taking out singular targets! This makes Vanguards absolutely crucial for dealing with high-priority threats quickly.

Ultimately, the Vanguard is a highly versatile class that can do well in both ranged and melee combat. This is the best class for you if you value mobility and versatility in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.


Bulwark Class

Do you know what the other classes are missing? A shield… which is exactly what the Bulwark has to set it apart!

Bulwark is similar to the Assault on paper, being a melee-focused class. However, the Bulwark pairs their melee weapon of choice with a shield. This shield gives them access to different attacks and can also be used to defend themselves. The Bulwark’s Perk selection has the most damage reduction out of any of the classes as well, meaning that you’ll basically become unkillable!

Bulwark's Chapter Banner

The Bulwark can extend their survivability to their entire team as well with their Class Ability: Chapter Banner. Use the ability to place the banner and it will restore the armor for yourself and any nearby allies. It really comes in handy for keeping your whole squad alive during harder operations.

In summary, the Bulwark is the best class for you in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 if you love playing the role of a tank. Use your survivability to soak up damage and protect your allies!


Sniper Class

As you might assume from the class name, the Sniper is all about popping heads off with well-placed single shots from afar.

As a Sniper, you can stay behind your team picking off single targets while allies take up the frontlines. You’ll get a selection of Perks which can improve your headshots, even letting you recharge your Class Ability faster after landing a headshot. Of course, you’ll also want to focus on using your superior ranged firepower to take out high-priority threats faster!

Boom! Headshot!

However, that’s not the only trick up the Sniper’s sleeves. Their Class Ability is the Camo Cloak, which lets the Sniper hide from enemies until their next attack. Not only does this allow you to reposition yourself safely, but it can also have some unexpected uses. For example, you can use it to revive fallen teammates easily or even to get in melee range to slash foes with your powerful Combat Knife.

If you want a capable support class that can also deal incredible single-target ranged damage, Sniper is your best bet!


Heavy Class

You know the old saying: need more dakka! Well, the Heavy class is here to bring as much dakka as humanly possible.

The Heavy class sacrifices access to melee options to get exclusive access to heavy weaponry such as the Multi-Melta and Heavy Bolter. These large weapons let you just point and fire in the direction of a crowd of enemies and watch as they all evaporate under your impressive firepower. Do keep in mind, though, you move slower while using these weapons… but this is made up by the fact that you also have some of the strongest armor in the game.

Heavy using Iron Halo

Speaking of armor, the Heavy’s Class Ability is the Iron Halo. Activating it will summon a protective bubble around you, which will completely block damage for a period of time. What’s more, the barrier moves with you and isn’t stationary. It’s fantastic for protecting yourself and your teammates during emergency situations. Just do note that it breaks after it takes enough damage.

Heavy is simple but they are definitely the best pick for you if you just want to be a slow-moving fortress with top-tier firepower and defenses in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2!

That brings us to the end of our coverage on all the classes in the game, hopefully now you know which one best suits you. If you want more help with Space Marine 2’s PvE mode, check out our tips and tricks for Operation Mode!

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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