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Palworld: What Technology to Unlock and What to Avoid

Invest your Points wisely!




One of the primary mechanics of Palworld is related to the Technology aspect of the game. As you level your character up, different pieces of technology are unlocked for you. Once unlocked, you can craft newer and more complex technology.

You do, however, need a few different resources to unlock additional technology. The primary and most important one of these are the Technology Points. You get a limited amount of these, so you should be careful with them.

The sheer amount of options can prove to be overwhelming for a lot of people. There’s no reliable way to tell what technology is better than the other, and what you should prioritize. This is where this guide comes in.

What Technology to Unlock and What to Avoid

While most of the technology in the game serves a purpose, some of them are largely useless. Of course this is all a little subjective, what you might consider a necessity could be useless for another player. 

That being said, we’ve gathered some technologies to avoid, and some to prioritize unlocking.

What to Unlock

  • Most of the things you unlock at earlier levels are a necessity. Repair benches, Palboxes and Primitize Workbenches are absolutely necessary and you can not play without them.
  • Weapons are very important in the world of Palworld. Craft any that you want to use, most of them will prove their worth. Rarely are weapons ever wasted.
  • Tools such as repair kits and Pickaxes are extremely important as well. Without them, getting your hands on crafting materials is going to be a lot more difficult. 
  • There are some crafting materials such as Cloth and Nails that you have to craft. This means they have to be unlocked in the Technology tab. You will eventually see that a lot of other items require these materials to be crafted. Be sure to unlock all these materials as you need them. 
  • Structures like “Statues of Power” and “Egg Incubators” should be crafted as soon as possible. These provide a service to the player such as upgrading your spheres or upgrading your Pals. Having these unlocked makes the rest of the game much easier. 
  • Eventually, at around Level 20 and up, you will find that the armor you can buy from traders is just not good enough anymore. So, start unlocking some from the Technologies you have unlocked. 
  • Shields are very important and you want to be unlocking them whenever you see them available. These offer you a lot of protection, and can be the difference between life and death. 
  • Unlocking and crafting multiple Palboxes can be very useful. The better Palbox management you do, the more Pals you can have working at your base. Towards the endgame, you will have a lot of Pals tamed. It’d be a shame to waste them, so invest in Palboxes!
  • There are various levels of Spheres that you can unlock from the Technology tab. Higher levels offer you a higher crit chance, so be sure to unlock them as you go play. 
  • The Stone Structure Set is a foundation set that offers a very unique and important functionality. When raided, these will not be set on fire and can help safeguard your base. They are a huge upgrade over the typical wooden structures. 
  • Toolbox items can be invaluable to have in your base. They improve the efficiency of all Pals working at your base and can make your playtime a lot more productive. 
  • Electric and Frozen mines can make your time capturing Pals a lot easier. With these statutes applied, Pals are easier to deal with. 
  • Assembly Lines are one of the best ways to speed up the workflow of Pals at your base. Definitely keep an eye on these and unlock them quickly. 
  • The “Pickaxe and Helmet Structure” can help you boost your mining efficiency by a lot. You can place it near a mining spot to better the effectiveness of your mining Pals.
  • Improved versions of production items are necessary to construct higher-level crafting items. Give this priority when spending your points. 
  • The Pal Essence Condenser is one of the single most important Pal items in the entire game. This allows you to combine Pals to create a significantly higher level one. 
  • The Grappling Gun allows you to get over cliffs and other tall structures a lot faster. It is a bit janky to use, but still very useful regardless.
  • The Hip Lantern is an amazing quality-of-life unlock. It gives you access to light no matter where you are without any input from you. 
  • Lily’s Spear and the Sword are the best weapons in the game. Craft either one of them and always keep one handy for you for bosses.

What to Avoid

  • The Alarm Bell is a defense structure that puts the Pals at your base on alert. This is useless because in raids, once attacked, all Pals are put on alert anyway. You don’t need this and it is just a waste of points.
  • The Hanging Trap very rarely comes in handy or does what it is supposed to do. Pals usually don’t tend to just walk across these traps. To make effective use of them, you would have to craft a ton of them and place them all across the map. This is too much effort and just not worth it.
  • When it comes to Furniture materials, where you spend your points is entirely subjective. If you like to be decorative, then they are a worthy investment. However, don’t try to get all of them. You will eventually find yourself wishing you had saved up those points. 
  • There are a lot of Pal key items such as Saddles and Harnesses. These key items are used for accessing the special abilities of Pals. Always be sure to check what these abilities are, so you can spend your points on worthwhile ones. 
  • Early-level Armor is generally not worth spending your rare technology points on. You can find traders all across the map that sell Armor early on. You can save up some technology points here to spend on other more important things. Check out our guide on how to get special armor.
  • Players usually tend to fuss too much about unlocking Base Defense Structure items. You do not need to worry about base defense at earlier levels, so hold on to your technology points. 
  • Most food plantations like tomatoes and lettuce are useless and not worth spending points on. There are much more effective ways of getting food.
  • Don’t spend your points on outfits, as you can find a lot of schematics by just looting. You can also buy some from traders. 
  • Wooden Defensive Structures are pretty useless, because they burn up quite easily. They don’t do much in the way of defense during raids for this reason. 
  • The Cooler is pretty much entirely useless unless you plan to build a base in the desert. If you are, then you should probably craft it though. 
  • The Musket as a weapon is not very useful. Your resources will find better use saved up for Makeshift Handguns or Handguns. 
  • Frag Grenades aren’t worth unlocking in the Technology tab, as you will find a ton of these from fighting enemies. Specific human types drop enough of these as you explore the world, so save your points. 
  • While bigger and more refined versions of Chests are useful, you can make do without them. They cost a lot of ingots and are hard to make, so generally not worth it. 
  • All of the gliders are made effectively useless by taming some flying Pals and getting some saddles. Pals like Hangyu can offer you gliding as well. 
  • The Pals with guns are more novelty than practical application. Most of them don’t do enough damage to be worth crafting and wasting resources on. 
  • Unlocking some of the highest-level guns can prove to be a waste for some players. If you have good high-level Pals in your party, you don’t need to waste resources on crafting rocket launchers. 
  • There are varying sizes of Pal Beds. The largest version costs a lot of resources and is rarely worth it. Having more medium-sized Pal beds is probably a better cost-effective method.
  • There are some Electrical Structures that will only work if you have some electric-type Pals around to power them. Only get these if you have a lot of electric-type Pals at your base.
  • The Decal Gun Set is a completely useless unlock. This might be cool for a minute or so, but they’re just not worth your ingots and ancient civilization parts. The decals it paints also disappear anyway, so there’s really no point in getting this. 

That was it for a basic breakdown of some technology items you should craft, and some you shouldn’t. Especially if you’re inexperienced with the game, having a guide like this is handy. The game doesn’t go easy on you regarding the points you’re given to spend, so choose wisely!

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Ibraheem is an action game veteran. Alongside playing Devil May Cry, God of War, and Bayonetta extensively, he has experience in twitch shooters and most recently, rhythm games. He is always in search for the newest games to sink hours into while learning how to play stylishly.


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