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Palworld: Best Custom World Settings

Set up your own custom worlds!



Palworld has included the welcome feature of setting up custom worlds at launch to massive acclaim from fans. It features a ton of different options to allow for maximum customizability. However, there is such a thing as too much.

There are a lot of custom world settings, and a lot of it can seem overwhelming. The game doesn’t do a great job explaining each of them either. That is where this article comes in. We are going to break down each set separately to ensure you make the best world for yourself.

Best Custom World Settings

By default, the settings are categorized as Easy, Normal, and Hard. We recommend doing a basic playthrough at Normal once, to experience the game the way it was intended. Additionally, the “best” settings are subjective and will vary from person to person.

Best Custom World Settings in Palworld

That being said, there are definitely some settings that are worth changing to ensure maximum enjoyability. Keep reading to learn more about all of them!

  1. Day Time Speed:
                Reducing this will make your daytime last longer. We recommend setting it to a value of 0.3 at the lowest. Anything less than that will make daytime exhausting and boring.
  2. Night Time Speed:
    Increasing this will make nighttime last a shorter while. Setting this to a value of 1.5 is our recommendation.
  3. EXP Rate:
                This controls how fast you gain EXP and level up. Putting this too high will make the game progress a lot faster. Keep it at default or slightly above it to make the game easier.
  4. Pal Capture Rate:
                This controls your likelihood of capturing Pals. Keep this on default, as increasing it will take away from the game. Capturing Pals is arguably the central mechanic of the game, so messing with it is not advised.
  5. Pal Appearance Rate:
                This controls how many Pals you will see in your game. This is a universal increase, so increasing this value can make the game a drag. Also, increasing this too much will put a lot more load on your CPU. Keep this at default or slightly above it.
  6. Damage from Pals multiplier:
                This controls how much damage Pals do to you. This is almost entirely subjective. Reduce this multiplier if you find the base 1.0 setting too difficult.
  7. Damage to Pals multiplier:
                This setting controls how much damage you do to Pals. Keep in mind that you need to do damage to Pals to capture them. However, do too much damage and you end up killing them. For this reason, don’t increase this value.
  8. Pal Hunger Depletion Rate:
                This controls how fast Pals get hungry. In the beginning, especially, their hunger can be a bore to manage. Turn this down to 0.2-0.5 so you can save resources.
  9. Pal Stamina Reduction Rate:
    This controls how fast the stamina of your Pals reduces. Turn this down to 0.5 so you can have more fun with all your special abilities in combat.
  10. Pal Auto HP Regeneration Rate:
                This setting dictates how fast your Pals regenerate their health. By default, this is extremely slow. Increase it to 2.5.
  11. Pal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate:
                This setting increases or decreases the rate of regeneration while your Pals are asleep. The default value of 1 is fine, you can increase it a little if you want to though.
  12. Damage from Player multiplier:
                This controls the damage you receive from players. Generally, leave this at default, otherwise it’s unfair to other players in your world.
  13. Damage to Player Multiplier:
                This controls the damage you do to players. Once again, leave this at default otherwise everyone else is probably gonna hate playing with you.
  14. Player Hunger Depletion Rate:
    This controls how fast your hunger meter depletes. Reduce this to around 0.3 to save resources.
  15. Player Stamina Reduction Rate:
    This controls how fast your stamina meter depletes. When leveled up, the default stamina bar is pretty satisfactory. But if you’d rather put your level points elsewhere, reduce this to about 0.5.
  16. Player auto HP regenerate rate:
    This controls how fast you regain lost HP. This is extremely slow at the beginning, so bump this value up to 2.2.
  17. Player Sleep HP Regeneration Rate:
    This setting controls how fast you regenerate your health when asleep. Increase this to around 1.7.
  18. Damage to Structure Multiplier:
    While playing, you will see that other players and untamed Pals will cause damage to your structures. This can be tough and stressful for most, so you can reduce it to 0.5 for an easier time.
  19. Structure deterioration rate:
    All of your structures automatically deteriorate over time. Reduce this setting to 0 to 0.3 to make this less annoying.
  20. Maximum number of dropped items in a world:
    At this point, we’re not really sure what this setting controls. It could be the drop rate of items. It could also be the maximum amount of items that can be seen at once. Leave this at default regardless, it doesn’t seem to change much.
  21. Gatherable items Multiplier:
    This controls how much loot you get from farming and mining. This is too slow, especially at the start. Increase it to 2, but be careful because you will reach your max weight very fast as you turn this value up.
  22. Gatherable Objects HP Multiplier:
                This setting controls the HP of the items you can collect. Leave this at default or increase it slightly, doesn’t matter much either way.
  23. Gatherable objects respawn interval:
    This controls how often material respawns in an area. Turn this up to 2 for an easier time when collecting objects.
  24. Dropped Items Multiplier:
    This controls how much gatherable loot you get after killing an enemy. Leave this close to default, otherwise your inventory will get clogged very fast.
  25. (h) to incubate Massive Egg:
    This dictates how long it takes to incubate eggs. Keep this at 0 otherwise the experience of breeding can be very tiring.
  26. Enable Raid Events:
    This is a toggle for enabling or disabling raids in your world. This is completely up to your preference. Turn it off for an easier time if you need to.
  27. Death Penalty:
    This is a 4 option setting to control your punishment for when you die. Put it to no drops for an easier and stress free time.
  28. Max number of guilds:
    Guilds are Palworld’s version of clans essentially. You can increase or decrease this depending on your needs, it is entirely subjective.

There you have it, a comprehensive breakdown of all of Palworld’s world settings. You should be able to better formulate decisions for your custom world armed with this information. Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!

ALSO READ: Palworld: Where to Find Ore

Ibraheem is an action game veteran. Alongside playing Devil May Cry, God of War, and Bayonetta extensively, he has experience in twitch shooters and most recently, rhythm games. He is always in search for the newest games to sink hours into while learning how to play stylishly.

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