Element shards, element ores, and ambergris are some of the most sought-after resources in ARK. However, they can be hard to find on the new Fjordur...
Farming ang gathering resources is the best way to survive here on ARK Fjordur, here’s how;
Beyla, the Mega Bee, is a new secret boss that drops a lot of ascendant gear in ARK Fjordur.
The Fjordhawk is one of the newest addition to the roster of creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved. However, this one is exclusive only to the newest...
The Quarry has a ton of endings depending on the choices you make in the game. One of these endings involves Ryan being the only remaining...
There are tons of resources and materials you can find in Fjordur, and they are scattered throughout various locations on the map.
ARK’s newest map, Fjordur, features a lot of creatures from other maps as well as a handful of new creatures waiting for you to discover and...
Fjordur is the latest free DLC that’s been introduced to ARK: Survival Evolved. It’s a new map that includes several new creatures waiting for you to...
There are three factions to choose from in Cycle Frontier, each offering different rewards when you level them up.
The Bizarre Yet Bonafide trophy is a trophy you can earn in Chapter 7 of The Quarry. This one will have you playing as Laura and...