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Best S-Class Sentinel Multitools in No Man’s Sky Interceptor Update

Get the new best Multi-Tools with our guide!




The Interceptor update for No Man’s Sky added the new Sentinel Multi-Tools. They are extremely strong, with some of them having the highest possible damage currently in the game!

If you wish to get these max-damage S-Class Sentinel Multi-Tools, this guide will show you what you need to do to find them.

Where to Get the Maxed Out S-Class Sentinel Multitools in No Man’s Sky Interceptor Update

Source: Xaine’s World

Unlike other multi-tools, these 2 currently known S-Class Sentinel Multitools can reach max damage, making them the absolute best ones to have.

Before we begin, make sure to disable multiplayer before you approach the areas they are found in. You won’t be able to get them yourself if another player nabs them first!

You also need to be able to use Portals by obtaining all the glyphs needed for them as well.

Also, note that both tools are found in the Eissentam galaxy which is the 10th galaxy in the game. As such, you will need to have some way to enter this galaxy.

If you haven’t reached it naturally by exploring the previous galaxies, you can still access it by entering it through a featured base. Simply look for one that says it’s in the Eissentam galaxy.

Alternatively, you can ask another player for help. Some players offer “taxi” services that will take you to the galaxy. Remember to disable multiplayer before going to the planet with the multi-tool!

First Sentinel Multi-Tool

Source: Xaine’s World

Once you’re in the Eissentam Galaxy, locate a portal and dial the coordinates shown in the picture above.

When you’re on the planet, use your Analysis Visor and look for the coordinates on the right side of the screen. They’re under Local Data. Head toward -1.80, -58.60.

Once you reach a camp, interact with the terminal and scan the memory registers. You will get 3 random basic math problems.

Next, head into the main interface for the terminal and choose to input the override glyphs.

Put in the glyphs that represent the solutions to the math problems, the order is irrelevant. The glyphs have their numbers listed, which makes it very easy to solve!

Lastly, deactivate the Multi-Tool seal from the terminal. After that, simply approach the cabinet and claim your reward!

Second Sentinel Multi-Tool

Source: Xaine’s World

Much like the previous Multi-Tool, you will need to find a portal as soon as you reach Eissentam. Enter the glyph coordinates shown in the image above.

You will appear on an extremely harsh planet, so be prepared for that. You might want to hop on your ship for safety! On this planet, head to the Communication Station at -24.58, +117.23.

Once again, interact with the terminal and scan for memories. Then solve the math puzzles and input the corresponding override glyphs. Lastly, disable the Multi-Tool seal.

With all that done, head to the cabinet and pick up your well-deserved reward!

ALSO READ: No Man’s Sky: Where to Find Ultra Rare Pink Sentinel Ship

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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