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ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

Belobog’s workers don’t need these coins!




Brant Street Construction Site is the second hub area you enter in ZZZ (Zenless Zone Zero) and it’s host to 10 different HIA Commemorative Coin locations.

We hope you still remember the good ol’ Sage in a Barrel which you met during Chapter 1 Intermission. He’s always wanting to get his hands on more of these collectible coins, and you can get 10 more for him while exploring this area!

In this guide, we’ll tell you the locations for all 10 HIA Commemorative Coins at the Brant Street Construction Site.

ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

Signs to look for | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

Before we go over all 10 HIA Commemorative Coin locations in Brant Street Construction Site, we have some pointers that should help you as you hunt these coins down in ZZZ:

  • HIA Commemorative Coins and NPCs related to them can be finicky to spawn. Try leaving and re-entering areas if you’re having issues with missing spawns.
  • HIA Commemorative Coins are time-sensitive. Make sure that you check their spots at the in-game times we mention.
  • Click on the time of day in the top left corner to see the current time. If there’s a message saying the Sage in a Barrel is looking for a coin, that means there’s a coin you can pick up somewhere.
  • NPCs who give you HIA Commemorative Coins can be recognized by the grey speech bubbles above them.
  • There can’t be multiple NPCs in the same spot. Some NPCs might prevent others from appearing. Complete the quests and events for the NPCs that are available first so that the others can appear.
  • The exact unlock timing for some events and commissions is still somewhat unclear, sadly. If an event is still unavailable for you, keep progressing through the story and leveling up your Inter-Knot Account.
  • Interactable items with HIA Commemorative Coins have a sparkling effect on them.

With all of these basics and tips, it’s now time to dive into every location!

Becky by the Transformers

Becky | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

There’s a yellow container with some electrical transformers opposite where your Proxies park their car. Go there and you should spot a lady worker named Becky in the Morning. Simply exhaust her dialogue and you should get your first HIA Commemorative Coin for this area!

Luka by the Transformers

Luka | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

In the same area where you find Becky, you should also see a male worker called Luka in the Morning. Just like with Becky, you simply need to finish the dialogue to get another HIA Commemorative Coin. Aren’t these workers nice?

Kaede’s Worries

Kaede's Worries | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

For this one, you should teleport next to Officer Mewmew at the Brant Street Construction Site in the Morning. Check the elevator closest to him and you should spot a lady worker called Kaede. Speak with her and she’ll say she’s worried about the Hollows and wonders how Cole remains so cool.

Kaede's Worries

After the conversation, turn around from where Kaede is to face the entrance to the area. You should spot a blonde man by the entrance, which is the Cole that Kaede was talking about. Ask him how he remains calm while going into the Hollow. Then, just tell Kaede what Cole told you and she’ll reward you with a HIA Commemorative Coin!

We also recommend speaking with Officer Mewmew at this point. It’s a good idea to check your progress for all of his Brant Street Construction Site challenges!

Ronnie Wants Kousaka’s Photo

Ronnie and Kousaka | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

You can get this coin in the Morning by speaking with a lady worker called Ronnie. She’s near the hole in front of the Proxies’ car. She’ll talk about some work drama related to Kousaka, then ask you to get a photo of Kousaka.

Kousaka squatting location

At this point, you can find Kousaka near the electric transformers where you met Becky and Luka before. Just tell him about the photo and he’ll say he basically doesn’t care.

Kousaka photo

So, take out your camera and snap the photo. Return to Ronnie and she’ll thank you, giving you a HIA Commemorative Coin as a reward!

Ironhead’s Cement Bags

Ironhead | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

You can get this coin in the Afternoon. Teleport to where Officer Mewmew is and look for the elevator diagonally opposite of him. You should see Ironhead, one of the Thirens, saying there’s something suspicious about some cement bags.

Ironhead's Cement Bags

After you talk with Ironhead, inspect the cement bags directly in front of him and recover the coins. Talk to Ironhead again and explain the situation to get your well-deserved HIA Commemorative Coin!

This is the halfway point if you’ve followed this guide in order. You should now have visited 5 of the HIA Commemorative Coin locations in Brant Street Construction Site, which is enough for the Silver Talent Seeker Medal from Mewmew’s Challenges… but this is ZZZ and we want to get all the resources we can, right? There’s still 5 more coins to find!

Gray’s Creative Percussion

Gray | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

In the Afternoon, go near the elevated area with the food stall containers. You should see a big orange truck there with a Thiren standing in front of it. Speak to the Thiren, whose name is Gray, to learn about how he uses construction materials for percussion. He’ll give you a HIA Commemorative Coin so you can get started with your own drumming, too!

Kaidou’s Food Dilemma

Kaidou | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

In the Afternoon, go up to the elevated area where the food stall containers are. You should see a man with a blue shirt called Kaidou. Speak with him and he’ll mention that he accidentally dropped a coin into Pepper’s meal and is worried this is going to result in him getting fired or something.

Pepper's location

After hearing Kaidou’s dramatic explanation, turn around and look for a Thiren sitting down by the slope. This is Pepper, so just talk with him and he’ll be celebrating the fact that he got a lucky meal due to the coin. Finish Pepper’s dialogue the return to Kaidou, who will give you the HIA Commemorative Coin!

Jen and Kaishu

Jen and Kaishu | ZZZ: ALL 10 HIA Commemorative Coin Locations in Brant Street Construction Site

At Night, teleport to where Officer Mewmew is in the Brant Street Construction Site. Go toward the hole in front of where the Proxy’s car is parked and you should see a woman worker in blue overalls called Jen. Talk to her and she’ll mention that another worker’s old house was demolished. She asks you to tell the man, called Kaishu, about it.

Kaishu's location

Face the same direction Jen is facing and you should spot Kaishu. He’s a man in a white shirt next to a blue container, right behind the Proxy’s car. Tell him about what Jen told you and then complete his dialogue to get the HIA Commemorative Coin.

Li’s Cement Bags

Li's Cement Bags

At Night, teleport to where Officer Mewmew is and check the area by the elevator diagonally opposite of him. If you’ve followed our guide in order, this is exactly the same spot as where you found Ironhead with his cement bags earlier. The only difference is that this time you will find Li there instead!

Li's Cement Bags

Li will be worried he broke something while working near the cement bags and asks you to check. Just like with Ironhead before him, inspect the cement bags in front of Li. Then speak to Li one last time to get the HIA Commemorative Coin!

The Sulking Builderboo

The Sulking Builderboo

Our last HIA Commemorative Coin in this locations list for Brant Street Construction Site in ZZZ. To get this one, go to the white pipes at the back of the area at Night. The easiest way to reach them is to just teleport to the Storage Area and turn around. You should see a human worker there called Yang.

The Sulking Builderboo

Yang will explain that his Builderboo had an altercation with a cat. This resulted in the Builderboo feeling useless and locking itself inside of the pipes. Just speak with the Sulking Builderboo and reassure it that it’s not useless. It seems all choices work equally well here, so your picks in dialogue don’t matter much.

The Sulking Builderboo

Once the Builderboo comes out, talk with it to get the final HIA Commemorative Coin in the area as your reward. Remember to return to the Sage in a Barrel in Sixth Street to turn them in for useful resources and rewards!

Speaking of Sixth Street, we’ve also covered all 18 HIA Commemorative Coin locations there as well.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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