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Wuthering Waves: Indigoite Locations & Best Indigoite Farm Route

More than what you need!



Indigoite in Wuthering Waves is a valuable resource that goes into crafting a bunch of unique and powerful weapons. While it isn’t the hardest resource to find, you will need a lot of Indigoite if you want to use it to craft weapons.

Fortunately, the spawn points for Indigoite are fixed in Wuthering Waves. So if you know where to look, you can get a good amount of Indigoite in no time at all. Our guide will be looking at how you can find the Indigoite scattered around Solaris-III, and the route you should follow to get to it.

Indigoite Locations & Best Indigoite Farm Route

Indigoite isn’t the only resource that can be used to get weapons in Wuthering Waves. If you are someone who loves collecting weapons, Lampulumen is another resource that you absolutely need to get. Make sure you check out our guide on the farming location and route for Lampylumen.

Getting back to the focus of our article, Indigoite in Wuthering Waves must be mined. You can mine materials in this game by going up to them and attacking them. For each Indigoite location, we will be looking at the route you need to follow to get there, and how much Indigoite you can find there. So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

Location #1

For the first location, start at the Huanlong-Central Plains Resonance Beacon and follow the route marked on the map above.

Following this route will take you into a small underground cave. Follow the path in front of you and you will eventually find Indigoite crystals to your left. You can find 2 Indigoite crystals at this location.

Location #2

For your next location, make your way back to the Huanglong-Central Plains Resonance Beacon, but this time the route you need to follow will be different. You can see the route in the image above.

If you follow this route, you will find yourself at the bottom of a cliff with 2 Indigoite crystals waiting to be mined.

After you get those 2 crystals, make your way up the cliff and you will find another Indigoite crystal there.

Location #3

To get to the third location, you will need to start at the Huanglong-Central Plains-Lake Deerslumber Resonance Beacon and follow the route marked on the map above.

This route follows the bank of Lake Deerslumber, and you will eventually find the Indigoite crystals at the bottom of a cliff. There are 2 Indigoite crystals at this location.

Location #4

For the next Indigoite location, make your way back to the same Huangfeng-Crystal Plains-Lake Deerslumber Resonance Beacon, but this time follow a different route. You can find this route marked on the map above.

Follow this route until you come across the small cliff seen in the image above. There will be 2 Indigoite crystals that you can get here.

After you get those crystals, make your way to the other cliff area right next to the area you were just at. You can find another 2 Indigoite crystals here. Make sure you check all around the cliff as the crystals over here are easily missable.

Location #5

For the fifth Indigoite location, you will once again make your way to the Huanglong-Crystal Plains. This time though, the Resonance Beacon you will start at will be different. The Resonance Beacon and the route to the location can be seen in the image above.

Following the route will lead you to a small cave-like passage. Just follow the path inside this cave and you will eventually find Indigoite. There are 7 Indigoite crystals at this location.

Location #6

You can get to the seventh location by spawning at the Huanglong-Central Plains Resonance Beacon in the image above and following the marked route.

As soon as you spawn at the Resonance Beacon, drop down below and you will find 4 Indigoite crystals that you can mine.

After getting those 4 crystals, follow the marked route to find 2 more Indigoite Crystals at the bottom of the cliff in the image above.

Location #7

For the next Indifoite location, spawn at the Huanglong-Central Plains-Tiderise Cliff Resonance Beacon and follow the marked route.

Before you actually start following the route, just take a look around and you will spot 2 Indigote crystals right next to where the Resonance Beacon is. Collect these before you start your journey.

As shown in the image above, following the route will lead you to the edge of a cliff. Drop down from this cliff and you will find 2 Indigoite crystals down there. After getting those 2 crystals, go forward a bit more and there will be another crystal there.

Location #8

Spawn at the Huanglong-Central Plains-Qichi Village Resonance Nexus and follow the route to get to your next location.

Following the route will lead you to the area shown in the image above. There is one Indigoite crystal here right next to an Echo boss. After mining this crystal, take a round around the cliff and you will find 3 more Indigoite crystals.

Location #9

For the next Indigoite crystals, spawn at the Huanglong-Crystal Plains-Tiderise Cliff Resonance beacon shown in the image above and follow the marked route.

The route will lead you to the edge of a cliff. Drop down from this cliff and you will find 2 Indigoite crystals there.

Mine those crystals and make your way down to find 2 more Indigoite crystals waiting for you.

Keep going downhill to find another 2 Indigoite crystals at the location marked in the image above. Mining all the crystals here should leave you with a total of 6 Indigoite crystals.

Location #10

To get to the tenth location, you will need to spawn at the Huanglong-Desorock Highland-Rearguard Base Resonance Nexus and follow the marked route using a glider.

Keep gliding downwards until you reach the grassy area that can be seen in the image above. Over here, you will see Indigoite crystals at the foot of some cliffs. There are a total of 5 Indigoite crystals scattered all around here. Thoroughly search the area to make sure you don’t miss any.

Location #11

For the next bunch of Indigoite crystals, you will need to take a very long route starting at the Huanglong-Desorock-Highland Resonance Beacon. You will need to follow the path shown in the image above.

The image above highlights 3 Indigoite crystals that you can get on your route. One is right in front of you here, and 2 a little bit further down. These 3 crystals can be found right at the end of the first arrow on our route.

You can find 3 more Indigoite crystals while making your way downhill. 2 can be seen in the image above, and 1 is hidden just to the right; this is indicated using a red arrow.

Keep going on the marked route to get to the location in the image above. There will be 2 more Indigoite crystals here for you to mine. Your total for this area should be a whopping 8 Indigoite crystals.

Location #12

Getting to the next Indigoite crystals is fairly straightforward as you will need to spawn Huanglong-Dim Forest-Thorny Passage Resonance Beacon and take a short trip down from here.

Drop all the way down and you will see a small cave right behind you. There will be 2 Indigoite crystals inside this cave.

Location #13

Go back to the Huanglong-Dim Forest-Thorny Passage Resonance Beacon, and this time, you will need to follow a different route.

At the end of the route, you will find a small pond next to which there will be 2 Indigoite crystals for you to get.

Location #14

The route to the next location is going to be very short as you will start at the Huanglong-Dim Forest Resonance Beacon and travel a short distance to get to the Indigoite crystals.

You can see the Indigoite crystals as soon as you spawn at the Resonance Beacon.

Location #15

Spawn at the Huanglong-Dim Forest-Wenye Beach Resonance Beacon and follow the route on the map.

You will need to drop down from the cliff you spawn on. There will be 2 Indigoite crystals at the bottom.

Location #16

For the next Indigoite crystals, spawn at the Huanglong-Whining Aix’s Mire and follow the marked route until you reach a drop leading down to a valley.

Glide down into the valley towards the big tree in front of you. There will be 3 Indigoite crystals here that you can mine.

After that, make your way out of the valley in the direction that you came in. While making your way out, you will encounter 2 more Indigoite crystals on the valley walls.

Location #17

For our last Indigoite location, you will need to spawn at the Huanglong-Whining Aix’s Mire-Fallen Grave Resonance Beacon and make your way towards the box marked on the map above. The Indigoite crystals will be scattered all around this marked area.

There are a total of 11 Indogite crystals that you can farm from this location. This is a huge amount for one area, and all these crystals will be scattered here in a very wide area. Carefully search the whole area, especially close to walls.

So there you have it, a complete farming route that should help you get yourself a ton of Indigoite. Like most resources in Wuthering Waves, Indigoite will respawn at the locations you have already farmed it from. You will need a lot of Indigoite to craft weapons, so mine as much as you can.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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