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Wuthering Waves – All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Loot every chest within the Penitent’s End Treasure Spots with our help!




If you want to get 100% exploration completion for Penitent’s End in Wuthering Waves, you’ll need to loot every chest across the various Treasure Spot locations.

Just like in other areas, the Treasure Spots in Penitent’s End are small areas that have a cluster of Supply Chests for you to find. There’s a lot of loot to grab without the need to cover too much ground! What’s not to like?

In this guide, we’ll tell you the locations for every chest in every Treasure Spot within Penitent’s End in Wuthering Waves.

All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations | Wuthering Waves

Sensor Tooltip | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

There are 6 Treasure Spot locations in the Penitent’s End area in Wuthering Waves. Most of them have 4 Supply Chests for you to find, with a couple having 5.

We highly recommend using the Sensor Utility once you’re within one of the Treasure Spots. This will highlight the Supply Chests with a golden overlay, making them much easier to spot. Remember that you can look at the minimap in our screenshots to more accurately pinpoint the location of each chest, too.

Use those tools in conjunction with our directions to find all Supply Chests with extreme ease!

Northern Penitent’s End

Northern Area | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

The first Treasure Spot we’ll go to is the one in the northern part of the Penitent’s End. It has 4 Supply Chests for you to find.

Chest 1

The first one is on the ground level, by the road. It’s sitting next to a campfire, surrounded by bones.

Chest 2

Once you collect the first chest, look up and to the south. You should spot a wooden platform directly above you. Climb up to the middle platform to get the second Supply Chest.

Chest 3

Right after the second Supply Chest, climb even higher up along the cliff to reach a second wooden platform. The third Supply Chest is next to the cliffside, under some rocky blocks. You’ll need to use a strong Echo, such as the Cuddle Wuddle, to break them.

Chest 4

For the final Supply Chest here, look east right after opening the third chest. You should notice a ledge protruding off the cliff in front of you. Climb up to it to find the chest sitting next to the cliffside.


Shipwreck | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

For this Treasure Spot, you need to go to the shipwreck by the beach on the northern part of Penitent’s End. As before, this Treasure Spot has 4 Supply Chests.

Chest 1

The first Supply Chest we’ll get is the one on the lower part of the shipwreck. It’s right in the middle of the Treasure Spot, so it’s really easy to see.

Chest 2

Right after you collect the first chest, look south. You should instantly see the second Supply Chest in front of you, near some sandbags.

There’s a Sonance Casket next to this chest as well, so we recommend grabbing it while you’re here.

Chest 3

Next, go up to the ship’s deck and walk to the bow. The third Supply Chest is in front of the bowsprit, next to some breakable crates.

Chest 4

For the last Supply Chest, jump off the ship’s deck and get into the water on the eastern side of the ship. The Supply Chest is floating atop some wooden boards next to the ship.

Figurehead’s Shrine Cave

Figurehead's Shrine Cave | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Next up is the Treasure Spot in the Figurehead’s Shrine Cave. It’s near the center of the Penitent’s End area. You’ll be looking for 4 Supply Chests this time as well.

However, you won’t be able to open all of the Supply Chests if you have Roccia as a Trial character with you. If you’re currently doing a quest where she tags along with you, finish the quest first.

Inside the Cave | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

With that said, the first Supply Chest in the Figurehead’s Cave is right in front of you as you enter the cave. It’s like it’s welcoming you into the cave!

Chest 2

For the second Supply Chest, go to the northeastern corner of the Treasure Spot. Climb along the wall there and get on the nearby wooden platform to find the chest.

Chest 3

Next, go to the small dock with a gondola on the southeastern part of the cave. The third Supply Chest is inside the boat near the dock.

Chest 4

Lastly, go up the slope on the northwestern part of the cave. The fourth and final Supply Chest is next to the cave’s wall, halfway up the slope.

That was the third Treasure Spot so far, so there are only 3 more locations for you to go to in the Penitent’s End area of Wuthering Waves. We’re halfway through, now!

Beach Camp

Beach Camp | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

For our 4th Treasure Spot, we’ll go to the camp by the beach on the northwestern part of Penitent’s End. Unlike the ones before it, this one has 5 Supply Chests instead of 4!

Flotsam Chest | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

For the first Supply Chest, look for the large rock on the beach directly north of the camp. The chest is on the water, near some flotsam.

Chest 2

Next, go to the very center of the Treasure Spot radius. The second Supply Chest is out in the open, right in front of one of the tents.

Chest 3

After that, go to the southwestern edge of the camp and look for a small tent. You can find the third Supply Chest outside the tent.

Chest 4

To find the fourth Supply Chest, go to the southeastern part of the camp and get behind the tents. The chest is between the tents and the large shipwreck on the cliff.

Chest 5

For the last Supply Chest, go to the cliff south of the camp and get on top of the large shipwreck. You have to wonder what kinda disaster happened to get the ship lodged onto the cliff here, right?

The Strand

The Strand | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Next up is the Treasure Spot in The Stand, on the northeastern corner of Penitent’s End. There are 4 Supply Chests to collect here.

Chest 1

The first one is along the cliff on the southern edge of the Treasure Spot radius. It’s under the shade of the nearby ruins.

Chest 2 Location Entrance

After you pick the first chest up, go straight north into the ruins. You should notice a building with a hole on its side on the ground level. Go through the hole to enter the building and find the second Supply Chest. For reference, you will be close to the northeastern edge of the Treasure Spot.

Chest 3

Next, get out of the building and climb it from the outside. Reach the highest floor and enter it through any of the cracks in the wall. The third Supply Chest waits inside.

Glimmering Chest 1 | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

For the fourth and final Supply Chest, go to the southwestern edge of the Treasure Spot. Look for a flight of wooden stairs and get below them.

Glimmering Chest 2 | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

There will be a white glimmer shimmering on the ground under the stairs. Investigate it to reveal the Supply Chest. Quite a tricky one, huh?

Northern Camp

Northern Camp | Wuthering Waves - All Penitent’s End Treasure Spot Chest Locations

At long last, the 6th and final Treasure Spot in Penitent’s End in Wuthering Waves! For this one, go to the camp around the north-central part of Penitent’s End. There are 5 chest locations to go to this time, so let’s waste no time getting to them.

Chest 1

For our first Supply Chest, we’ll grab the one on the eastern edge of the Treasure Spot. It’s out in the open near one of the camp’s tents.

Chest 2

After you open the first chest, circle around the nearby tent and go to the northeastern corner of the camp. You should notice a wooden ladder leading to a platform. Climb up the ladder and you’ll find the second Supply Chest on top of the platform.

Chest 3

As soon as you open the previous Supply Chest, go directly west to the large L-shaped set tent. The third Supply Chest is also out in the open, next to these tents.

Chest 4

From the third chest, go further northwest in the camp. The fourth Supply Chest is near the edge of the Treasure Spot, on the northwestern cliff. Watch out, though, you’re very likely to find enemies near this one!

Chest 5

For the fifth and final Supply Chest here, go to the southwestern corner of the Treasure Spot. You’ll find a large tent surrounded by wooden crates. The Supply Chest is right outside of the tent.

That’s the end of our list of locations for every Treasure Spot chest within the Penitent’s End area in Wuthering Waves. For help with more Treasure Spots, check out our guide for every Treasure Spot in Whisperwind Haven.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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