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Elden Ring: Every Poison Weapon Location Guide | Serpent Bow, Venomous Fang, Coil Shield and More

Poison is one of the most overpowered status effects in Elden Ring, and the most efficient way of dealing poison to your enemies is by equipping a Poison Weapon.



Elden Ring has a lot of various weapons, which can be categorized further into types, elements, and many more. Each class is unique in its own way, and your choice depends on what playstyle you’re comfortable with and the build you want to make.

Every Poison Weapon Location Guide in Elden Ring

Poison is an overpowered, slow-building status effect, leaving your opponent with no choice but to wait as their health slowly depletes the moment they are affected.  Currently, five weapons induce the Poison status effect. Find out what they are and where to find them below.

Serpent Bow

The Serpent Bow is a weapon designed with two snakes. It scales with Dexterity and is considered one of the best weapons for long-range combat. It can be found in front of the dead Abductor Virgin at the Abandoned Cave in Caelid.

Venomous Fang

The Venomous Fang is a claw-type weapon that scales with Dexterity and Strength. This weapon is the way to go for extra poison effect.

Like the Serpent Bow, you can also obtain the Venomous Fang at the Abandoned Cave in Caelid. This time, it will be behind the Giant Poisonous Flower, found on a pile of scraps.

Serpentbone Blade

The Serpentbone Blade is a katana recommended for Dexterity characters as it scales with both Strength and Dexterity.

To get your hands on this poison weapon, you will need to pledge your services to the Volcano Manor and complete the second letter quest from Tanith. The Serpentbone Blade will be given as the mission’s reward.

Coil Shield

The Coil Shield is a small shield that scales with Strength and is better used for parrying than blocking. It can be acquired inside the Volcano Cave.

From the Site of Grace, follow the route to the large open room and take the right-most tunnel. When you reach the end, drop down onto the small cliff below. The shield can be found sitting on a body in the room ahead.

Ant’s Skull Plate

The Ant’s Skull Plate is a Greatshield that can provide you with the best protection. It scales with Strength and can be found in Nokstella, Eternal City. From that point, go up the stairs; you can find the shield in a chest inside the first room.

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