Assassin’s Creed Shadows features a lot of quests and side content to complete as your progress through the main story, and one of them is called The Iron Hand Guild. In this guide, we will very quickly go through all the locations you need to visit in order to complete the quest, which is a fairly straightforward task as the game gives you incredibly obvious clues for each step.
All The Iron Hand Guild Locations
The Iron Hand Guild is a quest that will have you running around and dealing with various merchants scattered throughout the region, and each quest step will lead you to different locations as you hunt down the Iron Hand himself.
The very first part of the quest line is to simply find and inspect the missing ship, which has very obvious hints that you can easily scout the exact location. Basically, the ship is found in the Omi region and was spotted sailing around Lake Biwa.
Next, you will need to gather intel from and on various merchants all around the map. Here are the following steps you need to follow and the exact location for each objective:
Step #1 – Gather intel from Merchant Kanta – This objective can be found at the Mouth of Seta in the Omi region. You will need to assassinate him to get the intel.
Step #2 – Obtain intel on Kin-no-suke – According to the clues, he works with bandits from Wakasa who are often found northeast of Onyu Pass. Very simple and straightforward hint, so just head over there and kill them for intel.
Step #3 – Gather intel from Merchant Kin-no-suke – With intel on him now in your possession, you will learn that he does business around the coast of Wakasa and is specifically found in the Obama area. Give the letter to a merchant at the highlighted part of Wakasa and grab the Letter Regarding Obama in the building in front of him.
Step #4 – Gather intel from Merchant Tamao – According to the hints, he is found in Yamashiro, and he has a brewery in Kyoto that is to the west of Honpoji Temple. Again, very easy to find, so just go there and deal with him in what way you see fit.
Step #5 – Gather intel from Merchant Ginroku – This man can be found at the Tamba region, specifically at an area just outside of Miyazu Castle. Deal with him like the rest and you will proceed to the final step.
Just refer to the map image above to find all of the spots. They are very straightforward quest steps and it is pretty much impossible to get lost. Just zoom in on the map to see the labels for every point of interest referred to in the quest steps, that is if the quest markers aren’t enough for you.
Now, your final task is to find and eliminate the Iron Hand himself. According to the quest clues, the Iron Hand is found in the Tamba region, specifically within Fukuchiyama Castle. This means that you are going to have to fight or sneak your way in to a fortified and hostile zone.
Simply head to the map marker in the highlighted part of the map image below to find him. He is not going to be very alert and is hardly guarded in his spot, so you can easily avoid detection as you get rid of him.
And that is pretty much everything you need to know in order to get rid of him and complete The Iron Hand Guild quest line. All you need to do now is to return to Imai Sokun, who will be marked in your map and you have very likely already met him as a part of the main quest line anyway.
Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.