Hermes Boots is an accessory item that boosts your movement speed to 30% of your base speed. It’s usually dropped from various Chests and crates that can be found in the underground layer of your world.
Since it is randomly spawned, getting the boots early on will be based on pure luck but we have found a quick way to do it so you can get them early on in your game.
In this guide, we will be showing you how to get the Hermes Boots in Terraria the easy way, and that’s by seeding a new world.
How to Get Hermes Boots in Terraria
Image seed and source: Udison Gaming
Open your game and select your character. From here, you will have to create a new world seed. Go to the create a new world option and input your world name.
You can choose any world size for this and you can also freely select the world difficulty. This won’t affect the appearance of the Hermes boots in the world.
On the seed option, input the seed number on the image above. Hit create and enter the world.
Head Left and look for a cave
Travel left until you reach a Cave that looks similar to the image above. Stand on the edge of the Cave and count 34 blocks to your right. Stand on the 34th block and ready your mining requirement because you will be mining straight down to find the golden chest where the Hermes Boots are located.
Dig straight down until you encounter the Golden Chest
If you calculated your dig spot right, you would see a golden chest to your right. Ignore this and dig deeper. The golden chest containing the boots will be below a pool of water which you will have to tunnel through to get below.
Grab the Hermes Boots
Find the chest and open it. Inside will be a variant of the Hermes Boots called Valorant Hermes Boots. Aside from giving you a movement speed boost, this also increases your melee attack by 5%.
With the boots in your possession, you can now save your character and leave the world or continue to explore it for your next playthrough.