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No Man’s Sky: How to Change Difficulty Settings and Upgrade Storage in 4.0 Update

Enjoy the game the way you want to.



No Man’s Sky Update 4.0 is here now, and it has overhauled gameplay elements like the inventory usability and its size, as well as saving!

In this guide, we will get you up to speed and teach you how to change your save’s difficulty and name, and how to upgrade your storage.

How to Change Difficulty Settings and Upgrade Storage in 4.0 Update in No Man’s Sky

One of the changes has been a rework of the save system. Where previously the game saved when getting out of the ship, now you’ll get autosaves automatically during regular play, while keeping saves that the game made before, like getting out of your ship.

Thanks to this and to more easily differentiate your save data, give them a custom name. To do this go into the Options menu and under the Save Data area you will find a button called Rename Save and type in the name. After you accept, you are going to be moved to another screen, the Difficulty Settings.

It will have options for almost all the elements of the game: how many survival elements you want, how many natural resources, how quick your scanner recharge, how much damage you take, what consequences you face on death…

When you are done with your changes, you only need to press apply. You’ll want to trigger a save after that to make sure your changes are saved for the next time your load your game, so head to your ship or wherever else you can get that done.

The difficulty changes, by the way, are not permanent. You can always modify them back, so experiment to your heart’s content.

How to Upgrade Storage In No Man’s Sky

Part of the inventory redesign has had No Man’s Sky clarify and divide better the slots. Now Upgrades are confined to technology slots, and the storage capacity has been increased across all inventories: Exosuit, Multi-Tools and Freighter.

To expand the slots you got in any of the categories, go to the corresponding Upgrade Station to get the options Install Slot and Purchase Slot. If you have the corresponding Expansion Slot you’ll be able to increase your storage by 1 in the inventory, and if not, you can buy them from the station.

Note that for each slot you buy, the price will increase for the next one, so bring all the Units you have.

Image Credit: SurvivalBob

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