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Grounded: How to Get Bow

And some arrows as well.



Sometimes taking enemies up close is inconvenient or just not possible. For these situations, you’ll want your own bow.

How to Get Bow in Grounded

To craft the Sprig Bow you’ll need to unlock its recipe. You’ll do so by getting four Gnat Fuzz and analyzing it at the Resource Analyzer.

Gnat Fuzz is a resource obtained from a Gnat (image above), huge fly-like beings. They can be found flying anywhere in the Yard.

Besides  the Fuzz, you’ll need three Sprigs and two Crude Ropes. Crude Ropes are crafted by getting three Plant Fibers (and analyzing them to get their recipe if you haven’t done so). You can find Sprigs and Plant Fibers anywhere in the yard, where they appear as low-lying plants.

Once you get all the ingredients, just open your menu and go to the crafting tab. But the bow doesn’t work alone.

Crafting Arrows

To craft arrows you’ll need to get five Thistle Needles (analyze it at the Resource Analyzer for the arrow recipe) and two Mite Fuzzes.

Thistle Needles are gathered from Thistle plants, found near the lake. Mite Fuzzes drop from Lawn Mites – little crab-like creatures. Like Gnats they’re found everywhere but appear in bigger numbers to the south of the yard.

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