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WoW War Within: Pawns and Puppetry Quest Guide

Espionage, intrigue, and… puppets?




“Pawns and Puppetry” is one of the many quest lines in WoW: The War Within, centered around some espionage going on in the City of Threads.

The Magistrate of the High Hollows seems to be missing. Fearing that he might be in real danger, you set out to uncover a nasty plot set in motion by a certain “artist” within the city.

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to complete every quest in the “Pawns and Puppetry” quest line in WoW: The War Within!

Pawns and Puppetry Quest Line Guide | WoW: The War Within

Social Cues

The first quest in the “Pawns and Puppetry” quest line in WoW: The War Within becomes available once you reach the City of Threads in the Azj-Kahet region of Khaz Algar. The coordinates for its starting point are 76.78 and 39.27.

Once you reach the quest spot, talk with Orator Tx’itk to begin the quest. She wants you to ask around and try to find out what happened to the Magistrate.

First, go to Profiteer Z’kaxt’s stall in the northeastern part of the City of Threads. The approximate coordinates for it are 71.28 and 35.16.

When you reach the stall, check the statue-like Kobyss Puppet near the stall and then talk to Profiteer Z’kaxt. Just so you know, you’ll need to repeat this pattern of checking puppets before talking for the whole quest!

Either way, Z’kaxt wasn’t of too much help. Turn around from Z’kaxt’s stall and enter the building called Memories of Conquest, it’s across the street.

Just like before, you can’t just talk to Tox directly. You’ll first need to investigate the Arathi Puppet on the left side of the building. Check the puppet, then talk to Tox.

After talking, leave the building and turn to your right. Go to the first building next to Memories of Conquest and enter it. You’ll know you’re in the right place if the building’s called Ascended Solutions.

Like before, you should first investigate the Earthen Puppet at the back of the building. Then, talk to Van’atka at the desk on the left.

Lastly, leave the building and go south until you reach Duelist Kahtex’s stall. The coordinates for it are 65.21 and 41.09.

Investigate the Nerubian Puppet at the front of the stall and then speak with Duelist Kahtex. Report your findings to Orator Tx’itk, who should be right next to you.

Espionage and Ventriloquism

You can start the “Espionage and Ventriloquism” quest right after completing the “Social Cues” quest. Just talk to Orator Tx’itk again and choose to accept the quest. She should remain at Duelist Kahtex’s stall in the City of Threads, at coordinates 65.21 and 41.09.

After accepting the quest, enter the building directly south of Duelist Kahtex’s stall. It’s the Puppetmaster’s Workshop, and where you’ll spend most of the time in the “Pawns and Puppetry” quest line in WoW: The War Within. For the record, its coordinates are 64.95 and 42.72

Cleaning up the Workshop

Walk around the Puppetmaster’s Workshop for a bit and wait for Orator Tx’itk to enter it. You’ll then be given the objective to clear 4 Web Scraps. The Web Scraps are these large spiderweb balls shown in the image above. There are 2 on the southern end of the workshop and another 2 on the northern end.

Next, you have to find 3 different supplies and put them back where they belong. The first one of these is the Web Spool, found on the northern side of the workshop. Pick it up and put it on the spot marked by the game on the southern table in the workshop.

Another is the Sewing Shear, which is next to a table in the southwestern corner of the workshop. Put it on the table in by the workshop’s eastern wall, next to an Incomplete Puppet.

Lastly, get the Suspicious Syringe from the southeastern corner of the workshop. It’s on the floor, next to another Incomplete Puppet. Bring it to the table behind Orator T’xitk.

As soon as you put down the last of the supplies, a literal dozen of Unsettled Vermin will spawn inside the Puppetmaster’s Workshop! Get the Paralytic Draught from the table in the eastern part of the workshop, where you placed the Sewing Shear before.

Throw the Paralytic Draught at the Unsettled Vermin until you paralyze all 12 of them to complete this step of the quest.

Talk with Orator Tx’itk once the pests are dealt with and you’ll complete the “Espionage and Ventriloquism” quest.

Marionette Mercy

We’re halfway through the “Pawns and Puppetry” quest line in WoW: The War Within now, more or less. You can start this quest right after completing the previous one by talking to Orator Tx’itk at the Puppetmaster’s Workshop. As a reminder, its coordinates are 64.95 and 42.72.

Once you accept the quest, inspect the table behind Orator Tx’itk to pick up some Antiparalytic Serum. You’ll need to use this serum on all the so-called Incomplete Puppets in the Puppetmaster’s Workshop.

One puppet is right next to the table with the serum, so it’s hard to miss.

Another is on the ground in the northeastern corner of the Puppetmaster’s Workshop.

The next one is by the table on the workshop’s eastern wall. Remember, this is the table where you placed the Sewing Shear earlier!

Lastly, the fourth and final Incomplete Puppet is in the southeastern corner of the workshop.

With the “puppets” dealt with, you’re ready to turn in the quest! Just talk to Orator Tx’itk again at the Puppetmaster’s Workshop and you’re all done.

Pulling Strings

As before, this quest becomes available right after you complete the previous one in the questline. Once again, talk with Orator Tx’itk at the Puppetmaster’s Workshop to accept and start the quest.

Go directly southwest from the Puppetmaster’s Workshop until you enter The Puppet Theater. For reference, its coordinates are 61.38 and 48.77.

Enter The Puppet Theater and talk with Orator Tx’itk, then wait a bit and listen to The Puppetmaster’s little greeting speech.

Turns out this was all an ambush! The Puppetmaster sics a dozen different puppets on you at once, so be ready for a fight. Thankfully, these puppets don’t really pose much of a threat and most of them seem to not aggro until you actually get close to them. Use this to your advantage and carefully take them all out!

Right after the fight, Orator Tx’itk will appear with the paralyzed Magistrate of the High Hollows, High Elevator Etak’kaht. You still have the Antiparalytic Serum from the previous quest, thankfully. Interact with the Magistrate and administer the serum to save him.

With that mess over with, leave The Puppet Theater and head to the Magistrate’s Office in the eastern part of the City of Threads. Its coordinates are 71.42 and 45.55.

Talk with Orator Tx’itk and the Magistrate once you’re there to turn in the quest and claim your rewards. You’ve now fully completed the “Pawns and Puppetry” quest line in WoW: The War Within!

While you’re in the City of Threads, you can also tackle the “Pillar-nest of Horrors” quest line. It’ll also grant you Reputation with the City of Threads’ Vizier, just like this quest line did.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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