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WoW War Within: Pillar-Nest of Horrors Quest Guide

Arachnophobes be warned!




Pillar-nest of Horrors is one of the many quest lines you can do in WoW: The War Within.

It primarily involves the Pillar-nest Xesh area in the Azj-Kahet region of Khaz Algar. There are some horrible spider creatures in the area, as well as a group of lost Pathfinders. Try to help the Pathfinders as much as possible while fending off the horrible creatures to complete this story!

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to complete every quest in the Pillar-nest of Horrors questline in WoW: The War Within.

Pillar-nest of Horrors Quest Guide | WoW: The War Within

Spiders Completed

The “Pillar-nest of Horrors” questline in WoW: The War Within becomes available after you complete the “Spiders!” quest for Ag’thax. You can start and complete most of the questline within the City of Threads in the Azj-Kahet region of Khaz Algar.

Spiders quest location

If you haven’t yet done so, start the “Spiders!” quest by talking to Ag’thax in the City of Threads. He will be at the Terrace of the Ascended on the eastern side of the city, at coordinates 77.39 and 68.35.

PIllar-nest Xesh Cave location

Then, explore the Pillar-nest Xesh cave at 71.69 and 57.10. Defeat the Xesh creatures there to get a Missing Key, then return to Ag’thax to deliver the key and be able to start the Pillar-nest of Horrors questline itself.

Now, let’s go over all the quests in this questline in order!

…And Now I’m Arachnophobic

And Now I'm Arachnophobic quest location

To start this quest, you’ll need to head back to the Pillar-nest Xesh and enter a cave. Its entrance is in the eastern part of the City of Threads, at the approximate coordinates of 71.67 and 57.26.

PIllar-nest Xesh Cave location

Look for a hole in the ground once you reach these coordinates, using the image above as a reference. It’s the same cave from the “Spiders!” quest.

Albert in the cave

Head all the way to the back of the cave, following the “!” quest marker on your minimap to meet Albert. Of course, you’ll also have to fight against the Xesh creatures there, so be ready for battle!

Example of a Lost Companion

Talk to Albert and he’ll tell you to find 5 Lost Companions, all of which are within the same cave. They are marked as yellow spots on your map and they appear as just regular people caught in spiderwebs. Interact with them to free them all for Albert.

Albert in the cave at the end

To finish up, look for the “?” quest marker to find Albert in the southern part of the cave. Things didn’t turn out well for the Lost Companions, but at least you’ve completed this quest…

Legs in the Ceiling

Legs in the Ceiling start

Right after completing the previous quest, talk to Albert to start “Legs in the Ceiling”. Just in case, Albert doesn’t move from the spot where you turn in “…And Now I’m Arachnophobic.” He’ll stay at the Pillar-nest Xesh cave, and his coordinates are 70.05 and 63.20. This is the halfway point for the “Pillar-nest of Horrors” questline in WoW: The War Within!

Web Strand interaction

Right after talking with Albert, you should notice a shimmering Web Strand near you. Prepare to fight and pull on the Web Strand when you’re ready. You’ll be attacked by a bunch of Xesh creatures, take them out as quickly as possible so you don’t get swarmed.

Scalpel of Xishirra enemy

After defeating enough enemies, a special Xesh creature called “Scalpel of Xishirra” will spawn near you. It’s large and very imposing, but it’s not particularly strong. Focus your attacks on it and take it out quickly!

Albert gets attacked

As soon as you take down the Scalpel of Xishirra, a massive spider will spawn from the ceiling. There’s nothing you can do here but watch as it melts away poor Albert…

Albert's remains

Interact with Albert’s remains after watching the scene to complete the quest and start the “Maggots in your Eyes” quest.

Maggots in your Eyes

Maggots in your Eyes start

As soon as you complete the previous quest, pick up Albert’s head from his body to start “Maggots in your Eyes”. Your task now is to deliver Albert’s head to the Pathfinders in Faerin’s Advance.

Pathfinders in Faerin’s Advance location

Leave the Pillar-nest Xesh and head to the northern part of Azj-Kahet. The exact coordinates for the quest are 59.01 and 20.20.

Pathfinder Jeb

Once you reach the encampment at Faerin’s Advancne, look for Pathfinder Jeb and talk to him. Deliver Albert’s head to him and deliver the bad news.

Quest completed

This will complete the “Maggots in your Eyes” quest as well as the “Pillar-nest of Horrors” questline in WoW: The War Within. Not the happiest of endings, but at least you got rewarded for it…

Since this questline is a bit of a downer, we recommend doing the Broken Tools questline as well. It has a much happier ending!

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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