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(the) Gnorp Apologue: How To Stop Getting Stuck Guide

Get your Gnorps back in line!



(the) Gnorp Apologue isn’t the most difficult game ever made, but you’ll definitely start getting stuck as you move through its various compressions.

Many players often find themselves getting stuck at around level 8. This guide will break down a few ways to get your Gnorps in line and see you straight to the end!

How To Stop Getting Stuck Guide

To beat (the) Gnorp Apologue, you need to reach the tenth level of compression. This is what will trigger the last buildings and upgrades in the game and rain shards down on your Gnorps.

But many players often get stuck in the lead up to that, so we’ll break some of the best tips from fans in the community for getting out of that slump.

Compression Level 1- 4

Slammers in (the) Gnorp Apologue

When you start the game, you’ll want to optimize your runner to slammer ratio. We’d recommend assigning 20 Gnorps as your runners and 10 as your slammers.

Add more slammers as your progress and gain more housing.

While the slammers break the rock down for shards, you’ll have the adequate amount of runners delivering them to your stash.

Runners bringing them to the stash.

When your first opportunity to upgrade presents itself, you’ll want to pick  fire breath and then rocket arrows. Don’t bother with the teleport as it’s not really needed!

We’d also recommend only getting drones towards the beginning of the game and if you do don’t exceed any more than five.

Compression 5- 9

More inventive ways in (the) Gnorp Apologue

As you start levelling up through the compressions, more inventive manners of breaking down the rock will start to present themselves. This is when the following tips will become useful!

You’ll want to make sure you get the Garden as soon as possible and get the upgrade for it as soon as the opportunity presents itself! You’ll only want to tag blue and green.

The rocket ship in (the) Gnorp Apologue

We’d recommend upgrading your rocket factory as well and keeping it enabled throughout. It’s worth getting one bomber for highlighting weak spots in the rock, but any more than this isn’t worth it! There’s no need to upgrade them either.

Finally, if you have the necessary talent needed, we’d recommend getting some Gunners. If you do, the best projectile for them is the Ice Arrows.

Additionally, you’ll want to select archers and put them on Zybe arrows. 

Compression 10

Raining missiles on the rock in(the) Gnorp Apologue

Upon reaching the final compression level, you’ll notice that the shards will have turned a rainbow colour. These tips will help you to complete the game if you’re stuck at this point.

At compression 10, ‘The Railgun’ building will be unlocked and to finish you’ll need to purchase this as well as its upgrade ‘The Finale’.

After building this, continue gathering shards and wait for your compression bar to fill up again. Once it has, another upgrade called ‘Initiate the Finale’ will become available for you.

End of game (the) Gnorp Apologue

This will unlock a huge drill which will fire up into the air and smash the rock wide open! Your Gnorps will go crazy whilst rainbow colored shards explode out of it!

For a more specific example, check out this build designed to beat Compression 10!

Hopefully this guide has given you some hints if you’re stuck in (the) Gnorp Apologue. These tips have been proven to work by the community of players who’ve beaten the game, but always feel free to experiment!

ALSO READ: (the) Gnorp Apologue: How To Fix Game Not Running Issue

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