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Terraria: Best Items You Can Get From the Shimmer Liquid | Shimmer Liquid Guide

Drop these items in the Shimmer Liquid.




One of the most recent additions to Terraria is the Shimmer liquid, which debuted with the 1.4.4 update. When objects or enemies come into contact with it, the liquid can change them. We’ll demonstrate some of the best products Shimmer Liquid has to offer.

Best Items You Can Get From the Shimmer Liquid in Terraria | Shimmer Liquid Guide in Terraria

There are two ways to get Shimmer in Terraria. You must first travel to the Aether biome, a part of the 1.4.4 update’s enhancements as well. The second method uses an Ancient Manipulator to combine a Bottomless Water Bucket with 10 Luminite Bars to produce a Bottomless Shimmer Bucket.

These are some of the better goods to receive from the Shimmer Liquid, while it can also change many other things.

Best Items to Drop in Shimmer Liquid

Items can be transformed by being submerged in the Shimmer. You’ll receive a permanent bonus from the first group of items.

Life Crystal

When a Life Crystal is put into Shimmer Liquid, it transforms into a Vital Crystal, which will permanently improve your life regeneration.

Life Fruit

When the Life Fruit is dropped into the Shimmer Liquid, it transforms into the Aegis Fruit, which will permanently boost your defense.

Mana Crystal

When put into the Shimmer Liquid, it transforms into an Arcane Crystal that will stably boost your mana regeneration.

Spell Tome

You can get Advanced Combat Techniques: Volume Two by soaking it; it will boost everyone’s defense and strength.

Golden Worm

You can put this into the Shimmer Liquid to get a Gummy Worm. It raises your fishing ability permanently.

Peddler’s Hat

You can get the Peddler’s Satchel by soaking the Peddler’s Hat in Shimmer. The items that the Traveling Merchant sells are permanently increased by this item.

Pink Pearl

If you soak a Pink Pearl in the Shimmer Liquid, you can get a Galaxy Pearl that will boost your luck permanently.


Any fruit can be soaked in the Shimmer Liquid to produce Ambrosia. The speed of mining and construction can be permanently increased.


When the Clentaminator is submerged in the Shimmer Liquid, an enhanced version called the Terraformer emerges.

Rod of Discord

Because there is no debuff when you teleport, the Rod of Harmony is an improved version of the Rod of Discord.

Star Cloak

Shimmer Phasing won’t affect you if you wear a Chromatic Cloak. While in the Shimmer, you can hold down to Phase.

Bottomless Water Bucket

When you drop a Bottomless Water Bucket in Shimmer, you can get a Bottomless Shimmer Bucket. The Bottomless Water Bucket would be given to you if you soak the Bottomless Shimmer Bucket to Shimmer.

Enchanted Sundial

You can obtain an enchanted Moondial by dropping an enchanted Sundial. In contrast to the Sundial, which can advance time to the following day, it has the opposite effect.

Angel Statue

A comparable effect to being in the Aether biome will be produced by the Aether Monolith. When you are close to huge pools of Shimmer, it can also turn off the visual effects of the Aether biome.

Platinum Coin

A Platinum Coin will vanish after being dropped in Shimmer. However, you can receive a coin buff that boosts your ability to obtain coins.

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