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Guides Weapon and Weapon Evolution Guide

Familiarize yourself with the weapons.



As of now, there are not a lot of weapons in, but given the game’s popularity, we know it’s only a matter of time before the roster expands.

Before that does, though, better get to know the weapons available to you right now. In this guide, we’ll teach you about them and weapon evolution.

Weapons and Weapon Evolution Guide

The Baseball Bat

A good choice for getting killing mobs thanks to its knockback and bleed effects and decent damage. If you are having trouble against the zombies before even getting to the boss, give the Baseball Bat a try.

When you get a Baseball Bat to 5-Stars and a Fitness Guide, you’ll get the Baseball Bat Evo Skill, a modified weapon called Lucille that makes the bat swing hit around you, all 360 degrees. The Walking Dead fans will love that reference.


Not a terrible weapon but not a good one either. It only hits in the direction in which your character is facing, and even if you get the Ronin Oyoroi and a 5-Star Katana to obtain the Evolution, Demon Blade, which sends a red blast. It doesn’t improve too much its power.


One of the favorite choices for players. It shoots at one zombie at a time, but it has an automatic aim and for huge mobs you have other options, leaving this as a great tool for boss killing. At higher levels, it can be used for mobs as well, and with the Koga Ninja Scroll, you can Evolve the weapon to the Spirit Shuriken.


The Shotgun deals double damage to enemies at the front. At the base level, it shoots three bullets, an amount that increases as you level it up. The weakness of the shotgun is its fire rate and the spread making it non-ideal for many situations unless you know how to adjust your positioning.

You can evolve the shotgun to a Gatling Gun by getting it to 5-Stars and having a Hi-Power Bullet. The Gatling shoots a barrage of bullets in the direction you’re facing. Although this is an improvement, it still requires your positioning to take advantage of it, so it isn’t a game-changer.


A powerhouse among weapons. It has massive damage which increases per each level, bullet recovery on enemy hit,s and a minor explosion trigger on enemy hits. Its main weakness is the problematic aim and the fact that if you miss your shots you’ll have to go through a cooldown to use it.

Like the shotgun, the revolver uses Hi-Power Bullet to evolve. Its evolution will grant you two revolvers to shoot simultaneously, further increasing your power but keeping the same weakness of the base weapon.

Light chaser

The undisputed best weapon of the game. It has a higher attack rate than other weapons, capping at 345 instead of 320 and its Grade Skills are mostly focused on doing more damage, capitalizing on its already great strength. The only problem with this weapon in relation to the others is how hard it’s to get it.

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