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Guides How to Get Maximum Kills

Spike up your numbers.



There are as many ways as weapons to increase your kills in In a sense, that is what the game is about. And that means there are tactics that prove more effective than others to get more kills than normal.

In this guide, we’ll teach you how to get more kills.

How to Get Maximum Kills in

The first thing you need to know to increase your kills is the where and that is Chapter 4, considered one of the best (if not the best) chapter to farm kills.

That’s because it is the first vertical chapter in the game, and vertical chapters in general are the easiest to farm for our purpose: this is thanks to the layout of the stage being smaller, meaning that the range of all your weapons and items cover relatively more than they would in a non-vertical chapter.

Another consideration is what equipment we can use to amp our skills. The first and foremost is the Shiny Wristguards

When they reach excellent (purple) grade the wristguard unlocks a skill that causes Minor explosions when monsters die, creating a chain effect on your kills and rising numbers greatly.

Another good option is the Trendy Charm, that at excellent and epic grade decreases cooldown for every 200 killed monsters and a max CD reduction of 30%. As we’re looking to kill lots of monsters this collar suits our purposes well.

Best Skills for

While farming kills a lot of passive skills that stop being so useful. You’ll want to look out for these skills:

  • Ammo Thruster: It’ll increase the speed of bullets and missiles. The logic here is simple: more shots more death.
  • Energy Cube: Similarly to Ammo Thruster in that it’ll raise your attack speed – the cube does this by decreasing the interval of your attacks letting you dish out more damage.
  • HE Fuel: Will increase the range of bullets and missiles, giving you the potential to hit more targets, even off-screen ones.
  • EXO Bracer: Increases the time of effects and attacks, increasing the damage over time dealt of every other resource you got at your disposal.

Strategies for Getting Maximum Kills

Generally speaking, there are two main methods to farm kills.

The first one is to run in a straight line on a vertical level, either going up or down. As vertical levels are smaller in width and by the way the enemies come you don’t have to worry too much about positioning or difficult dodges as long as you keep up your fire and skills, killing everything that approaches. The Molotov and Sharkmaw Gun (RPG) are options that go well with this strategy.

For weapons, the shotgun, the kunai, and the revolver are the best options. The shotgun spread will make sure you hit your targets, the kunai has auto-aim, and (if sufficiently levelled) when it hits a target it’ll split hitting others, and the revolver deals massive damage. Its weakest point is having no auto-aim, but as you’re simply running in a straight line there’s no need to be the best at aiming.

The second method is to remain stationary and let the enemy come to you. When using this method you may want to loot first to get the right skills before you set up to relax. While by nature remaining stationary means you should take a defensive approach, you don’t need skills like the Forcefield if you have enough power to kill the enemies that approach you and use skills that hit enemies far away, killing them before they approach. The Lightning Emitter and RPG are great for this purpose.

The best weapon to use standing still is the Kunai thanks to its auto-aim.

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