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Raft: Utopia Guide and Walkthrough | Notes, Puzzles, and Blueprint Locations

The full release version of Raft introduces a handful of new locations. One of them is the Utopia which is a city you can find in the 3rd chapter of the game.




The Utopia is a new location in the 3rd chapter of Raft. It’s a city filled with high buildings which you can find right after the Temperance Island. To get to this location, you will need to explore Temperance Island first in order to progress the story.

After exploring the area, you’ll then find the next location note that will point you to Utopia. As with any location in the game, Utopia has plenty of notes, puzzles, and blueprints waiting for players to discover. If you don’t know where to find all of them, then this guide is for you.

Utopia Guide and Walkthrough: Notes, Puzzles, and Blueprint Locations in Raft

You can find a total of 3 blueprints and 2 notes in Utopia. Let’s start with the blueprints first and their locations:

Big Backpack

The first blueprint is for the big backpack which is on the table inside Detto’s house. To get to this area, you need to find 3 Detto codes hidden throughout Utopia’s digging spots. The locations for these digging spots are marked on the note you can find outside of Detto’s house. After getting all three codes, you can now go inside the house to get the blueprint.

Electric Zipline Tool

The second blueprint is for the electric zipline tool which is on the platform where you first encounter Olof throwing bombs. Head inside the room to find the blueprint right next to the warehouse key on the table.

Titanium Tools

The last blueprint is for the titanium tools which you can find on the table to the left of Olof. You need to reach the end of the game to do this.

Notes Locations

Now that we’ve covered the location of the 3 blueprints, let’s now move on to the notes. As mentioned, there are only 2 notes in Utopia, and you can find them in the following locations:

  • The first note is outside the main house which is close to the water puzzle. You can find it sitting on top of a wooden crate.
  • The second note is outside of the building that requires the Master Key to enter. You can find an entrance key outside just right next to the note.

Solving the Water Puzzle

After arriving at the area, you will need to solve the water puzzle after powering up the water machine. You need to head over to the platform to find the water flowing through a pipe. You’ll notice a circular maze of pipes, and you need to guess the right pattern so water can flow through the pipes onto the other maze of pipes.

You can find three circles that you can rotate. Each time you rotate a circle, the pipes inside will also rotate. To solve the puzzle, you have to start with the outermost circle first. Start by connecting the pipe with a pipe on a circle that connects the water to the next circle.

After that, connect the pipe with another pipe that will lead the water to the middle. Rotate the innermost circle in a way that allows water to flow through the entire maze and onto the other side. Do the exact same thing you did with the first maze to the second maze, allowing water to flow to the last circle.

After you have solved the water puzzle, water will then flow into a huge tub. Once it has filled up, climb up the stairs to obtain the Carbon Dioxide Canister which is inside the tub.

ALSO READ: Raft: Varuna Point Guide and Walkthrough | Notes and Blueprint Locations

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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