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Pax Dei: How To Get Magic

Magic makes everything better!



Pax Dei puts a lot of emphasis on crafting with the vast amount of loot and materials you can gather. You can come upon these items while slaying enemies in the various dungeons. Additionally, you can use magical items and spells to further help you on your medieval journey.

For example, magic can be used to make certain armor pieces or even unlock new spells. It can help increase your survivability in battle. In this guide, we will show you all the steps you need to follow to get access to these magical items.

How To Get Magic

To get access to magical items in Pax Dei, you will need to fulfill certain requirements, depending on the recipe. For the most part, each of these recipes work the same. Here is everything you need to do:

  • Go to areas with named NPC mobs and kill them
  • Fight bosses to get their unique items
  • Gather materials from mobs
  • Craft magical items at crafting stations.

Locate Enemy Mobs & Bosses

First up, you’ll want to locate named NPC mobs in Pax Dei. These can be found in many areas across the game’s map.

Here are some of the types of locations you want to be on the lookout for when finding enemy mobs:

  • Caves
  • Wind Mills
  • Towers (both large and small ones).

Additionally, you want to also be on the lookout for bosses. These bosses can randomly spawn in the locations that we mentioned. In fact, some of the larger areas can even have two boss spawns.

Before you head out for these locations, try to take a group of friends with you. These enemies can be pretty challenging and can overwhelm if you go solo. It will also make gathering loot a lot easier, which we’ll look at next.

Small tower in Pax Dei.

Gather Materials

Next, you’ll want to gather the materials needed for magical items in Pax Dei. There are two types of materials that you’ll want to get.

The first materials are the secondary materials that are dropped by the enemy mobs. There are a whole assortment of magical materials they can drop.

You’ll be using many of these, depending on the recipe. So make sure that you clear out all the enemies in the locations that you go to with mobs.

Here are the secondary materials you want to be on the lookout for:

  • Runic Leashes
  • Worn Out and Cracked Lockets
  • Tattered Sigils

You’ll be wanting to get your hands on a lot of these too. For example, the Canon’s Gambison will require x10 Worn Out Lockets. So, again, you’ll want to get these materials based on the magical item you want to craft.

Cracked Locket in Pax Dei.

After that, you’ll want the materials that are dropped by bosses in Pax Dei. These unique items will depend on the type of boss you kill. For example, killing the Wolf Boss in caves can give you the Blood Red Collarstone.

You can use it to craft the Chains of Reassurance armor. Killing other bosses will give you similar unique materials you can make for other magical items in Pax Dei.

Craft Magical Item

Now that you have the necessary materials, you’ll need to craft the magical items. However, to do this, you’ll need crafting tables and workbenches in Pax Dei. 

Since magical items require higher levels of crafting tables, you’ll need to have a lot of crafting levels in them. This will of course depend on the type of item you are crafting. 

For example, if you’re crafting an Armor you’ll need to have a lot of levels in the Armorer Workbench. It will also depend on the Difficulty of the item being crafted. The Chains of Reassurance armor for instance has a Difficulty of 12.

So, make sure that you have raised your level up at each of the crafting tables. Once you have the required levels, all you need to do is use the materials to craft the item. And that’s it, you now have the magic you need in Pax Dei!

Blacksmith Workbench in Pax Dei.

That’s everything you need to know about getting magic in Pax Dei. We strongly recommend you start getting magical items as quickly as you can. This is because there are certain items and spells that will make clearing mobs even easier for a better farming experience.

Professions will also play a vital role in your crafting magical items experience. For example, gatherers can help you get standard materials that are needed in most recipes. Our Best Early Professions guide for Pax Dei can help you out with that one!

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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