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Isonzo: Which Class to Choose | Class Guide

Choose which class you are comfortable with.




The game Isonzo is part of the World War 1 series. It is a multiplayer shooter that is available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. In Isonzo, you can pick what class you can play with. The game is set in the valleys and towns of Northern Italy. We are going to show you what are the pros and cons of each class to help you decide which to pick.

Which Class to Choose, Class Guide in Isonzo

Isonzo just came out, and you are going to like it if you have a soft spot for history. It is a large-scale multiplayer shooter, and there are classes that you can choose from when playing the game. There are 6 characters classes you can choose from, depending on your preferred gameplay.

Character Class Guide

The following are the 6 character classes in Isonzo:


The Officer is the class that controls how your allies move around the map. You need to be attentive on the entire battlefield. Officers can call in Artillery Blasts, Smoke or Chemical Cover, Recon, and Bombing Run.

The primary weapon of the Officer is a Handgun, but you can unlock a Rifle in the long run. The Secondary item starts with a Flare gun that can create a marker that uses the call-in ability.

The second is the Binoculars for marking enemies. Lastly, you have a Canteen that lessens the effects of gunfire suppression and unlimited stamina for a short time.

The tools that are available for the Officer are the following:

  • The Drahtschere M1915 for cutting barbed wires
  • The Field Shovel “Feldspaten” for destroying enemy buildings
  • The Bandages that can heal you partially but can fully heal your teammate
  • The Signalpfeife is a whistle that gives orders to your allies and removes respawn timer that is close to you for a short time

There are 5 Passive Perks, and these are the following:

  • Assault Officer
    • The cooldown for whistle abilities is faster
  • Engineer Officer
    • Receive a Command Aura that can make Construction and Sabotage Speed x2 faster.
  • Frontline Officer
    • Can make you spawn on all squad leaders and vice versa.
  • Alpine Officer
    • You can spawn on all players that are near objectives
  • Inspirational Officer
    • Receive a Command Aura that gives 2x more stamina and 2x less weapon sway

The difference between an Austro-Hungarian Empire Officer and a Kingdom of Italy Officer is that the former has 5 pistol options in the primary weapon while the latter only has 4 pistol options. This class is for tacticians.


This class is about shooting, blowing up things, and giving ammo. The primary weapons are Precise Rifles. Some have bayonets and others have grenade launchers. The secondary weapons are an Ammo box and a Hand Grenade.

The available tools for a Rifleman are the following:

  • The Brevetto Malfatti Modello 1912 for cutting barbed wires
  • The Field Shovel “Vanghetta” for creating a stationary ammo crate if you have equipped a perk that allows you to craft it and destroy enemy constructs
  • Bandages for partially healing yourself but can fully heal a teammate

The following are 5 perks for the Rifleman:

  • Ammo Carrier
    • You can craft an ammo crate for resupplying that also provides bonus ammo to all players that spawn near to it
  • Point-Man
    • Has x1.1 in capturing Objective
  • Rifle Grenadier
    • Improves the Rifle Grenade’s Ammo and Accuracy
  • Marksman
    • Grants less weapon sway by x.05
  • Chaplain
    • Quickens bandage speed

The only difference between the Austro-Hungarian Empire Rifleman and the Kingdom of Italy Rifleman is the primary weapon that has different stats, as well as the former’s Hand Grenade having a smaller blast radius.

If you are an aggressive player and you want to go Guns Blazing, this is the class for you.


The Engineers are the builders in your team, and are the best in planting and defusing bombs. Their primary weapons are Rifles that gave Bayonets. The secondary items are either a Revolver or a Hand Grenade.

Available tools for Engineers include the following:

  • The Drahtschere M1915 for cutting barbed wires
  • The Hammer allows you to craft different barbed wires, sandbags, and a sniper shield.
  • Bandages for partially healing yourself but can fully heal a teammate

Engineers have the following perks:

  • Wire Company
    • Grants faster wire cutting and building speed. As an attacker, you can permanently destroy a barbed wire
  • Sapper Company
    • 33% faster for planting and defusing bombs
  • Support Company
    • Construction speed for Mortar, HMG handling, and construction is faster than x2
  • Death Company
    • Receive a Body Armor that reduces damage and suppression from explosions
  • Engineer Company
    • Grants 2x faster in constructing and sabotaging

The Kingdom of Italy Engineer has a worse pistol but a better grenade as the secondary weapon. The Engineer spends more time building structures for your teammates and spends less time killing enemies.


The Assault class always places you at the frontlines suppressing enemies with your LMG.

The primary weapons for the Assault class are 2 Rifles with Bayonets, a Pistol, and an LMG. The secondary items are a Canteen that grants a buff that reduces suppression and unlimited stamina for a short time, 2 different hand grenades, and a dagger.

The tools for the Assault class are the same as the Rifleman. They are the following:

  • The Brevetto Malfatti Modello 1912 for cutting barbed wires
  • The Field Shovel “Vanghetta” for creating and destroying constructs. Can also put down a Grenade crate if you equip the perk for it.
  • Bandages for partially healing yourself but can fully heal a teammate

The Perks for the Assault Class are the following:

  • Saboteur
    • Gives you x2 faster in sabotaging
  • Grenadier
    • Can allow you to construct a Grenade crate for resupplying, which can also provide bonus grenades to players that spawn near it.
  • Veteran
    • Makes you bleed out much slower
  • Support Gunner
    • Makes LMGs and HMGs deal 4x more suppression
  • Quickshot
    • You can ADS faster

The difference between the Austro-Hungarian Empire Assault Class and the Kingdom of Italy Assault Class is that the former has an LMG that deals more damage but has a slower firing rate and a dagger that is faster. If you want to spray your enemies, then use this class.


The Mountaineer class is the scout in the game. This class is best paired with the Officer class because it can mark enemies and structures for the team to see.

There are 4 Rifles with Bayonets attached for the primary weapon. The secondary items are Binoculars for marking enemies and structures, a Flare gun that reveals an area, a Canteen that gives a buff that can reduce suppression and unlimited stamina for a short time, a melee weapon, and a small horn that can buff teammates.

Avaiable tools for the Mountaineer are similar to the Officer but without the whistle. They are:

  • The Drahtschere M1915 for cutting barbed wires
  • The Field Shovel “Feldspaten” for constructing and destroying constructions. You can also build a Periscope if you equip the perk for it.
  • Bandages that can heal you partially but can fully heal your teammate

The Perks for the Mountaineer are the following:

  • Light Infantry
    • Movement speed is increased
  • Observer
    • Can construct a Periscope that allows other classes to locate and mark enemies
  • Spotter
    • Increases the duration of spotted enemies
  • Alpinist
    • Climbing speed and Vaulting are faster
  • Sniper
    • While holding your breath you have increased your Zoom level.

The difference between a Mountaineer from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy is that the latter has different Rifles as the primary weapon. This is your class if you want to stay at the back.


The silent assassins or the Marksman class are the snipers of the game.  Their long-range prowess allows them to stay at the backlines. There are 5 long-range rifles for the primary weapons – 3 have Bayonets while the remaining 2 have long-range scopes. There are 3 sidearms for the secondary items.

The tools for the Marksman class are the folowing:

  • The Brevetto Malfatti Modello 1912 for cutting barbed wires
  • The Field Shovel “Vanghetta” for creating and destroying constructs
  • Bandages for partially healing yourself but can fully heal a teammate

The Perks for the Marksman class are as follow:

  • Scout
    • Increases the speed for reloading and bolting
  • Sentry
    • Grants Body Armor that reduces suppression from bullets and reduces explosion damage
  • Specialist
    • While prone significantly reduces weapon sway
  • Stalker
    • Faster movement speed while crouching or in prone
  • Elite Marksman
    • Have a longer hold breath time while aiming

The difference between an Austro-Hungarian Marksman and a Kingdom of Italy Marksman are the Rifles found in the Primary weapon slot. The Marksman benefits from how you position yourself.

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