With that in place, run up to the next transmitter above you and move it to the left.
In the menu, choose Turn Counter-Clockwise.
Now, run all the way down to the bottom transmitter on the left side of the room.
Move this transmitter up, then choose Turn Clockwise as many times as you need to so it faces the target directly to the right of it.
Now it’s time for the right side of the room. Run all the way over to the bottom right transmitter, then move it to the left.
Then, select Turn Clockwise twice so the transmitter faces the target above it.
Just a few more transmitters to go. Next, run all the way up to the transmitter at the top, then select Turn Clockwise so it faces the target diagonally to the right of it.
Finally, just one last transmitter. Run over to the bottom right and press TurnCounter-Clockwise until the transmitter faces the target directly to the left of it.
Now that all the transmitters are lined up, you can finally head over to where you started and press Launch. Sit back and watch your well-earned light show.
Master Gongshu will congratulate you, and you can now collect your treasure.