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Grounded 1.3: Complete Broodmother Guide

Beat the spider boss queen in no time!



There are a lot of hardcore bosses in Grounded, but the Broodmother is one of the hardest due to her multiple resistances.

Facing this foe is tiresome; her dashes, summoning, constant debuffs, and venomous attacks can quickly deplete your health if you aren’t well-equipped and have a solid strategy to fight her.

We will show you which items you need and which smoothies and consumables can be useful early and late game, so you can face this beast either for farming or to challenge yourself without many problems.

Complete Broodmother Guide

In the new patch 1.3 there are a few new items, trinkets, and armor alternatives that you can use very early game to beat the Broodmother easily, even in Whoa! Mode.

You can use other alternatives for weapons and consumables, but we highly recommend sticking to the ones we show here.


First things first, the Broodmother is weak to Spicy and Slashing damage. This means almost any spicy blade is a must. For an early-game fight, we suggest:

  • Spicy Black Ant Sword: This is a tier II sword; and one of the strongest at early stage in game. You need to analyze Black Ants Mandibles for the recipe, and you need 2 Black Ant parts and 1 Black Ant Mandible. It’s key to get the spicy version if you want to have an extra advantage in the fight.
  • Bombs: As we mentioned before, the Broodmother summons spiders in each new phase of the battle, so it’s important that you use some bombs to blast them away.

For the late game, these are the best options:

  • Spicy Coaltana: This is a very late-game weapon, and you can only get the recipe after a special event. You can upgrade it to level 6 to get some extra damage.
  • Spicy Staff: You need to destroy summoning spiders during this battle. Instead of bombs, you can use this staff in a late-game farming run. You can switch between this and your blade during combat in each phase. You can get the recipe by buying the Candy Staves, and you need 5 Spicy Globs, 5 Pinecone Pieces, 5 Though Chunks, and 5 Fire Ants Mandibles.

If you have a great wizard build with a ton of damage, you are good to go.

Armor Set

  • Ladybug Full Armor Set: This is a tier II set that you can get pretty early in the game by analyzing the head and the parts of any ladybug. With the full set, you get a health and speed bonus, block strength, and extra stamina. To craft the whole set, you need 11 Ladybug Parts, 11 Berry Leathers, 6 Flower Petals, and 1 Ladybug Head.
Grounded Armor Set
  • Black Ant Shield: This is a tier II shield and a very good one you can get very early on too. You need 4 black ant parts, and level 10 brainpower to unlock the recipe. Use it only if you are using the Spicy Black Ant Sword, for extra defenses.

For the late game, we suggest:

  • Widow Armor Full Set: The Widow Armor Set is a very powerful option when fighting the Broodmother due to its 15% increase attack speed bonus and the 15% health regenerations after killing any creature. Broodmother summons can trigger this armor bonus, making you almost invincible during the fight. You need to analyze Black Widow Fangs and Super Spider Venom to get the recipe. You need 10 Lint Ropes, 8 Rusts, 6 Black Widow Fangs, and 5 Pond Mosses to craft the whole set.
  • Mixed Fire Ant full set: This armor is a classic go-to thanks to the acidic damage bonus, but there are a few changes that can give you even more benefits while using the staff. For the whole Fire Ant Set, you need to analyze fire ant parts and a fire ant head. You need 14 fire ant parts, 6 lint ropes, 4 dust mite fuzz, 2 fire ant mandibles, and 1 fire ant head. You could replace some pieces to get better results with the weapons suggested, like using the Wizard Hat and the Assassin’s greaves instead of the fire ant ones.
  • Giddy Goo: We already talked about this trinket in this article. There we expose why you should use this as your late-game trinket, no matter which fight or boss you want to face.
  • Thorn’s Pendant: Probably the best trinket of the whole game, you get a 10% bonus to Health Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration, Critical Hit Chances, Critical Hit Damage, and more. You should always try to have this one or the Giddy Goo.


Before the fight, you need to get some healing items and consumables that will buff you up. These are the ones that are the best for this boss:

  • Spider Slider: Extra 5% crit chance, you need 5 spider chunks; 1 nectar, and 2 berry chunks.
  • Fiber Bandage: This is a must. You need to analyze plant fiber to get the recipe 3 plant fibers, and 2 saps.
Fiber Bandages
  • Liquid Rage: This will increase your Attack Damage and while replenishing your health and hunger, you need Red Ants Mandible, Spider’s Fangs, and Larva Spikes.
  • Human Food: Increase damage resistance, you need Fresh Apple Bits, Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits, and Fresh Billy Hog Bits.
  • Fuzz on the Rocks: Increase your health, you need Mite Fuzz, Clay, and Pebbles.
  • Boost Juice: Increase your stamina, you need Raw Aphid Meat, Acorn Bits, and Mushrooms.

Suggested Mutations

With time, you will unlock bug mutations that will enhance your natural abilities. They can complement your strategy against the Broodmother. These are the best ones for the fight:

  • Blade Master: We highly suggest you have this mutation for the fight. It grants an extra bonus to your blade attacks and lowers the damage of the targets.
  • Coup de Grass: Increase your Critical Hit Chances, a must in this fight.
  • Mithridatism: The Broodmother poisons you a lot, this mutation increases to resistance to poison.
  • Shocking Dismissal: Thanks to its AOE chance, this one’s very useful if you aren’t using bombs, but it’s as necessary.
  • Whittle Wizard: With the late-game equipment, and only if you are using the staff, the Whittle Wizard is a must because it lets you save stamina.
  • Buff Lungs: More Stamina for your fight.
  • Cardio Fan: Combined with Buff Lungs, the Cardio Fan uses the best of your stamina while fighting.

The Broodmother’s a big-bad-wolf type of boss. But, with the items we listed and some preparation, you can beat her in no time.

Remember that these are our recommendations on the best items for the game; however, you can have your build. If that’s the case, share it with us in the comments!

ALSO READ: Grounded: Where to Find All Green Shield Bugs Location Guide

As a hobby collector, Angélica is a hardcore gamer that love RPG’s and cozy, chill games, such as Skyrim, Fallout, Cult of the Lamb, Monkey Island and other, very difficult titles that she plays in medium. Right now she still plays a lot of games, but you can find her mostly writing, binging series and making fan art of some of her favorite titles.

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