The new Genshin Impact patch means there’s another banner available to give you a chance to pull an exclusive 5-star character.
For the 3.5 update, the upcoming banner features both Ayaka and Shenhe. Aside from them, it also includes their weapons namely Mistsplitter Reforged and Calamity Stifler.
In this guide, we’ll tell what you can expect from them.
Ultimate Banner Guide for Genshin Impact 3.5
With the release of a new patch, it is time for you, travelers, to prepare your luck in pulling the upcoming exclusive 5-star characters.
As mentioned, there are two characters you can get in the banner. They’re as follows:
Starting off with the free-to-play build, the very top-of-the-line would be the Blackcliff Longsword. Next would be the Mistsplitter Reforged which increases her elemental burst damage by 37%.
After an average of 105 pulls, you can expect to get either the Mistsplitter Reforged or Ayaka.
From constellations 1 to 5, there are different stats increases which will eventually be helpful once you obtain them. And with an extra 40% on her cryo, she can melt any Pyro character with ease.
For Shenhe, instead of increasing her damage, it will buff Ayaka’s damage.
If you combine the constellation zero Shenhe with a Favonius Spear or Lance, it will result in a double damage bonus for her charged attacks and an extra 40% elemental damage.
Although some damage increases won’t actually add tons of damage to her elemental burst, they can still give a major increase to Ayaka’s basic attack. Her constellation 2 is actually quite impressive as it adds 6 seconds to her elemental burst.