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Forts: How to Upgrade Weapons

Upgrading is a mechanic in the RTS game Forts that allows you to enhance different buildings and weapons.




Upgrading buildings and weapons in Forts provide you with more options. It changes the way some weapons behave and gives you more tools to play with. Here’s how to make use of upgrades.

How to Upgrade Weapons in Forts

Before you get to upgrading weapons in Forts, you’ll need to get an Upgrade Center up and running. Upgrade Center are costly buildings and they are hard to get fast. They cost 600 Metal and 3000 Energy and also take a whole minute to be constructed. Depending on the strategies and conditions of the stage, it’s not always worth going for. However, if you do build it, you open up upgrades for weapons.

What to do Once the Upgrade Center is Completed

Once your Upgrade Center is up and running, you can finally start upgrading your weapons and other buildings. Right-click on the weapon you wish to upgrade and click on the up arrow. You can also hover your mouse over the building and press the U key. However, you should account for the fact that buildings are unavailable while upgrading. Buildings like Mines stop producing, but also stop consuming energy and such. Weapons stop being useable during the process.

Also, you might not want to just upgrade every weapon. Generally speaking, Machine Gunner and Flak are best un-upgraded. Simply because the upgraded versions stop being automatic. Others, like the Mortar, lose their ability to set things on fire when upgraded. Carefully consider what you need at the moment before upgrading. This is going to depend on your current circumstances and playstyle.


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