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Astroneer: Rail Automation Guide

The new Rails update in Astroneer allows you to automate them, but you need to do a few things first.




In the sandbox adventure game Astroneer, players explore space, build constructions, and control resources to colonize an entire planet. Thanks to the most recent update, you now have the option to automate it. This guide will show you how to automate your Railway System in the game.

Rail Automation Guide in Astroneer

The Rails System introduces a new, autonomous mode of transportation to Astroneer that is said to excel at “efficiency and convenience.”

Players can place rail posts to build their rail lines, which carry oxygen and power, and then board the new railway vehicles. The Catalog has introduced two new Railway vehicles that can be used individually or chained together into trains of up to six vehicles long.

Building Automatic Rail

First, you will need a basic Railway System with a minimum of two stations and one Rail Car before automating your Rail System.

One of the stations should serve as the Input Portion, where resources are created and then loaded into your trains, and another station should serve as the Output Portion, where supplies are delivered by train and then emptied.

A Storage Sensor is required for the Rail Car to make it automatic. If you activate it, it will move to one point, halt when it is filling, move to another spot when it is full, then activate once more when it is empty.

Additionally, you can put an Engine on the Rail Car to speed up the process, but this will require more power.

If we want to carry more cargo or make additional stops, we’ll need to deal with Rail Stations. You can install Button Repeaters and Delay Repeaters on stations, which can be very complicated.

By doing so, the trains will be compelled to pass without being entirely loaded or unloaded. If you don’t want a train to linger for a long time in one station, this is a good thing.

Similar to stations, Rail Posts feature built-in targeting pins. Therefore, anything else connected to its pins could be triggered when a Rail Car passes over that post. This is also an excellent way to automate your Railway System.

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