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Apex Legends: How to Get Three Items From Loba’s Ultimate

Loba’s ultimate is quite underrated. With the ultimate on, you can get up to three items of your choice quickly and easily.




Loba is one of the most commonly picked legends in Apex Legends for a few good reasons. However, one thing that doesn’t get that much recognition is her ultimate. Her ultimate, called Black Market Boutique, lets her place a portable device that teleports any items nearby into her inventory. Afterward, she can then take up to two items.

What most players don’t know is that you can actually take up to three! Let’s find out how you can do this.

How to Get Three Items From Loba’s Ultimate in Apex Legends

This trick doesn’t actually let you get a third item directly from the Black Market Boutique. Instead, what it does is point you to the third item of your choosing. This way, you’ll be able to obtain that third item fast before other players can get to it.

To do this, what you want to do is activate Loba’s ultimate. From the selection, decide on the two items that you would normally take, and decide which third item you want to get.

For example, if you want to get a purple magazine that’s nearby the area, all you need to do is ping it, move away from the Black Market, then hold ping. This should draw a line pointing to where that purple magazine exactly is.

Since you can’t look around while doing so, all you need to do is simply reposition yourself until you can have a good view of where the line is pointing.

And with this three, you can get two items normally from the Black Market Boutique and the third one of your choice without any problem.

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Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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