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Age of Mythology Retold: Thor Build Order Guide

Use the power of the Dwarves!




Thor is one of the playable Major Norse Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold, and he’s fairly reliant on having a proper build order from the get-go.

Primarily, Thor depends greatly on using Dwarves alongside the regular Villagers. Thanks to his ability to get free Dwarves through certain upgrades, he can also bolster his population early on beyond what others can. However, playing him effectively is pretty tough, requiring a fair deal of micromanagement.

In this guide, we’ll help you get started to mastering Thor’s playstyle by giving you a solid build order as a foundation.

Thor Build Order Guide | Age of Mythology: Retold

Early game

This Thor build order in Age of Mythology: Retold will focus on getting a Dwarven Armory up and running as soon as possible. To that end, you’ll set your first 3 Dwarves to gather Wood at the nearest lone tree. Get the Ox Cart near the gatherers as well to speed up resource movement. Let them finish fully chopping and gathering from that tree. Also, set your starting Berserk to go build 1 Dwarven Armory and 1 House.

While those units do their thing, get 7 Villagers and task them all with hunting the nearby wildlife for Food. As the Dwarves finish with their first tree, assign them to the Dwarven Mine to gather Gold instead.

When the Dwarven Armory is built, you should research Copper Shields followed by Copper Armor. Task the first free Dwarf you get from upgrading to chop down the nearest single tree. Train 2 Dwarves at the Town Center at this point, assign one to the Dwarven Mine and one to the same tree as the free Dwarf.

Nearly advanced

Once you get your second free Dwarf from the Dwarven Armory, assign them to the same tree where you assigned the previous free Dwarf. That tree should have 3 Dwarves working on it; both of the free ones and one you trained yourself. Assign your Berserk to build a Temple as soon as you reach 150 Wood and 150 Gold.

At the same time, get 3 more Villagers and assign them to hunt for Food. At this point your population should be spread as follows: 10 Villagers on Food, 5 Dwarves on Gold, and 3 Dwarves on Wood. Your Temple should be progressing smoothly as well, so you should be able to advance to the Classical Age soon!

Reaching the Classical Age

Advancing and Copper Weapons

Which Minor God you choose for advancing into the Classical Age will depend on what kind of map you’re dealing with. If your Gold Mine spawned facing toward an enemy civilization, you should pick Forseti. His Healing Spring power and defensive passives can help you defend yourself better.

If you have a pretty safe and defensible position already, though, you can pick either Forseti or Freyja. It’s up to your preference at this point. Also, this would allow you to invest in Copper Weapons research while advancing. Again, though, only go for it if you know you can protect your Gold Mine easily.

Classical Age progression example

As you start advancing, the Dwarven Mine should start running out of Gold. Move your Dwarves to mine a standard Gold Mine instead. Have them build an Ox Cart near the Gold Mine for transportation. Similarly, take 3 of your Villagers from Food production and force them to drop off their resources. Then, set them to start gathering Wood instead of Food. Build another Ox Cart near where they gather Wood.

Once you reach the Classical Age, you’re all set as far as this guide is concerned. Your Thor build order from now on will greatly depend on how your opponents behave, due to how dynamic and variable Age of Mythology: Retold can be. Nonetheless, you should be off to a great start now!

If you find Thor a tad too hard to play effectively but still want to play as a Norse god, check out our build order for Odin as well.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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