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Age of Mythology Retold: Oranos & Kronos Build Order Guide

Master the skies with Oranos



The Atlantean god of the skies, Oranos is an enjoyable boss to play with, and at the same time very strong when played correctly. As of now, the best Oranos build will allow you to enter the Classical age pretty consistently in under 3 minutes.

In this guide, we will be looking at what the best Oranos build order is in Age of Mythology Retold. Following an optimized build will speed you through the early game and set you up for success.

Oranos & Kronos Build Order Guide

Assigning a citizen to Wood

As soon as you spawn into the game, send your first citizen straight to Food. Most builds in Age of Mythology will require you to generate a ton of Food, and the Oranos build is no different in this regard. Advancing to the Classical Age from the Archaic Age will use a lot of Food, so you will always want to have at least 1 citizen on Food.

The second citizen that you get should go to Gold, and the third to Wood. While you are doing this, also make sure to use your Oracles to scout the area nearby. Doing this will allow you to keep track of what your opponent might be doing, and alongside that, also generate Favor. All of your citizens after the first 3 should go straight to Food.

Building a Manor

Citizens are the only unit that you will summon in the Archaic Age, but Atlantean citizens take 2 population slots instead of 1. So after you summon your 5th citizen, make sure you also build a Manor. Use your citizen who is on Gold farming to build the Manor. Once the Manor is complete, put the citizen that built it back on Gold farming duty.

Advancing to the Classical Age

Building a Temple

The next structure that you will want to build after the Manor is the Temple. You will want to advance to the Classical Age as soon as possible, and you can’t make that advancement without a Temple.

Building a Temple will cost you 150 Gold and 150 Wood. As soon as you hit 150 Gold, put the single citizen who was farming Gold on Wood farming. You should have 2 citizens on Wood now. Keep both of them on there until you get 150 Wood, after which you can construct the Temple. Try to build the Temple close to where your citizen is as this will save you some time. Citizens are also slower than the villagers other civilizations have access to.

Advancing to the Classical Age and selecting a Minor God

With the Temple complete, you can click on your Town Hall and make the advancement to the Classical Age. You can choose any minor god during the advancement, as the god you want to choose can change from game to game. Making this advancement will cost 400 Food, but you should have enough Food for this, as most of your citizens will be on Food production.

Classical Age

Once you are in the Classical Age, you won’t need as much Food as before, so you can change your citizen assignments. The ideal assignments here would be 3 on Food, 4 on Wood, and 2 on Gold.

Building the Barracks and Counter Barracks in the Classical Age

Your first 3 structures in the Classical Age should be 1 Manor, 1 Barracks, and 1 Counter Barracks. Use one of your Wood-farming citizens to first build the manor, and once that is complete, build the Barracks with that citizen. While that citizen is building the Barracks, take another citizen from Wood farming to build the Counter Barracks.

Once both of those structures are complete, you can start building your army. Your army composition will always rely on who your opponent is and what style you want to approach. So keep that in mind when building your army, as the army you want to have will change each game.

So, there you have it, an ideal Oranos and Kronos build order that should get you to the Classical Age in no time at all. It’s obviously pretty hard to make this advancement in under 3 minutes if you are not used to the build. That means t’s always best to practice and get used to it. Mastering this specific build will help you make the advancement to the Classical Age in about 2 minutes 30 seconds.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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