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Age of Mythology Retold: Basic Economy Guide & Fundamentals

Master the game’s economy



When it comes to RTS games like Age of Mythology Retold, the player with the stronger economy will generally beat the player with the weaker one. Having a better economy will allow you to generate more units and stay ahead in advancement.

So to help you get started, our basic Economy guide will look at everything that you need to know to understand how the economy in this game works. So without further delay let’s get into it.

Basic Economy Guide & Fundamentals

Age of Mythology is a game that requires you to constantly adapt and react to the game. Your approach to each game will be different, so the way you manage the economy will also change a bit from game to game.

That said, the fundamentals will always remain the same. You can find some of the most important fundamentals related to the game’s economy listed below.

Constantly Train Villagers

Villagers are the life of your civilization, as they are the main way in which you will generate resources. It’s important to constantly train Villagers in this game, and have them generating resources for you.

Settings you can use to autoqueue villagers

The “Immediately Autoqueue Villages at Game Start” setting is a very easy way to get used to this. If this setting is on, a Villager will automatically start getting trained as soon as one comes out. You can access this setting in the Gameplay section of the Settings menu.

Using Drop Sites

Building a drop site

Drop sites allow your villagers to quickly drop off the resources they are carrying. When placing drop sites, always try to have them close to where the Villagers are farming a resource. This will reduce the time it takes them to drop a resource off and get back to collecting it.

The time that drop sites save can add up pretty quickly. For example, saving 2 seconds between each resource drop will add up and end up saving you a ton of time in the long run.

Early Resource Priority

All of the resources in this game are important, but the priority you should put on them will depend on what stage of the game you are in. In the Archaic Age, your main priority should always be on generating tons of Food. You will constantly need Food to train Villagers and make the advancement to the Classical Age. That said, Gold and Wood are still very important as you will need them to create the structures you need to have to make the advancement to the Classical Age.

A good way to go about this is by assigning your first 4 Villagers to Gold and Wood, with 2 going to each. After those 4, the next 4 will all go towards generating Food. Use one of your Villagers that is on Gold to first create a House, and once that is complete, a Temple.

Advancing to the Classical age requires 400 Food and a Temple.

After both of those structures are complete, you will want to advance to the Classical Age as soon as you can. Making this advancement will cost you 400 Food, which you should have due to the heavy Food priority.

Going into the Classical Age, you will not need 4 Villagers on Food, as that is going to be too much. Additionally, you will want to construct 2 Barracks and at least 1 House as soon as you enter the Classical Age. So while you are making the advancement, take away 2-3 Villagers from Food farming and put them on Wood. This will leave you with enough Wood to create the 3 structures mentioned above when you enter the Classical Age.

Constantly Build Houses to Avoid Getting “Housed”

Like Villagers, Houses are something that you will need to create throughout the game. Houses in Age of Mythology increase your maximum Population, which allows you to train more units.

The max Population and the amount that is being used

Getting “Housed” is basically not being able to produce more units due to the maximum population being reached. Constantly building Houses will help you avoid this and let you improve your army. Falling behind in tempo can be very costly in Age of Mythology Retold.

Always Spend Your Resources

A late game army in this game

Lastly, it’s very important to constantly spend all of the resources that you generate. Of course, this doesn’t mean blindly spending them, as that will also be wasting them.

The main thing to remember here is that unspent resources can help you advance your base or build an army. What you choose to do with those resources is ultimately up to you, but anything that you do will always be better than not doing anything.

It’s also important to prioritize resources that fit what you are doing. So if you want to train units that consume a lot of Wood, switch over more Villagers to Wood production. This will help you have the resources you need and leave fewer unused resources.

Age of Mythology is a very snow bally game, and if you fall behind, it can be very hard to recover. Constantly spending your resources will help you stay ahead of the game’s tempo and increase your chances of victory.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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