LEGO Fortnite’s release was such a surprise, especially to players who maybe haven’t picked up the controller and played Fortnite in a while. I’m a part of that group. Anyways. in LEGO Fortnite, players will have to use a lot of items such as tools and weapons. Well, items like these have a certain durability before they break and become unusable.
But can you repair items in this game, or do you have to make a new item every time your old one breaks?
Can You Repair Items?
Short answer is no, players can’t repair items in LEGO Fortnite.
I am not certain why the devs went with this design choice, but that’s where we stand currently. There’s also little evidence to suggest that this might be changing in the future, despite it being slightly annoying.
How To Increase Durability Of Items
However, once players get to the Tier 3 materials, they can make an Essence Table which players can effectively use to enchant their items with increased durability effects.
The recipe for the Essence Table is the following:
20x Flexwood
6x Cut Amber
Essance Table
This answer might not be what most players would want to hear, but those are unfortunately the mechanics of the game. I’ll be sure to make a guide on how to repair items, if that becomes a possibility in the future.