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Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Explore the whole peninsula and get every single Sonance Casket within!




You’ll need to find the locations of all the Sonance Casket: Ragunna in Fagaceae Peninsula if you aim to get 100% exploration for Rinascita in Wuthering Waves.

This area of Rinascita has 12 Sonance Caskets for you to find. They are quite spread out, and some of them are trickier than usual. Nonetheless, finding them all should be no trouble with our help!

Read on and we’ll tell you the locations for every Sonance Casket: Ragunna you can find in the Fagaceae Peninsula.

All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket: Ragunna Locations | Wuthering Waves

Sonance Casket #1

Sonance Casket #1 | Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Let’s start our list of all the Sonance Casket: Ragunna locations in the Fagaceae Peninsula in Wuthering Waves! Our first Sonance Casket is the one at the top of the floating stones in the northeastern part of the peninsula. You can reach it by using the Cuddle Wuddle Echo to jump across the stones or by using your Flight ability.

Sonance Casket #2

Sonance Casket #2

You can find the second Sonance Casket on the smallest island west of the Shores of Last Breath. It’s simply floating in the air above the tallest rock on the island.

Sonance Casket #3

Sonance Casket #3 | Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Our third Sonance Casket is in the northern part of the Fagaceae Peninsula area. Go west from the “Dream Patrol: Eye for an Eye” and look for an outcrop with leaning trees. The Sonance Casket is floating in front of the outcrop.

Sonance Casket #4

Sonance Casket #4

Next up, go to the lone tiny island east of the Coast of Anticipation. The Sonance Casket is simply floating above the tallest rock on the island. That seems to be a recurring trend with these things in this region, right?

Sonance Casket #5

Sonance Casket #5 | Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

This time, go to the ruins directly north of the Oakheart Highcourt. You should see the Sonance Casket floating above the ruined building with a triangular roof there.

Sonance Casket #6

Sonance Casket #6

Fast travel to the Resonance Beacon on the western entrance to the Oakheart Highcourt. Look to the east from the Resonance Beacon and you should instantly spot a statue. The Sonance Casket floats above the statue’s head.

That’s number 6 out of 12! That means we’re halfway through our list of all the Sonance Casket: Ragunna locations within the Fagaceae Peninsula in Wuthering Waves. Only 6 more to go!

Sonance Casket #7

Sonance Casket #7

This Sonance Casket is also found within the Oakheart Highcourt, so you should get it right after you get #6. Climb up the walls in the Oakheart Highcourt and get to the top of the outer ring of the maze. You’ll see the Sonance Casket out in the open, on the southwestern corner of the ring.

While you’re here, we highly recommend going straight away for #8 and #9 as they are also in this area.

Sonance Casket #8

Sonance Casket #8

As we mentioned before, this Sonance Casket is on top of the outer ring of the maze in the Oakheart Highcourt. Check the westernmost part to find it. If you check your map, this will be close to the nearby Treasure Spot, if you’ve discovered it.

Sonance Casket #9

Sonance Casket #9

This is the last Sonance Casket on the outer ring of the Oakheart Highcourt maze. Just like with #7 and #8, you’ll find it out in the open. Just go to the northwestern corner of the ring to find it.

Sonance Casket #10

Lifer's Puzzle Location | Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

This is probably the trickiest Sonance Casket in the entire region, as you find it on the path to the Oakheart Highcourt: Lower Tier. As we’ve explained in our guide on how to unlock the Oakheart Highcourt: Lower Tier, You want to reach the Lifer’s puzzle game in the center.

ant to reach the Lifer’s puzzle game in the center.

Start the puzzle

The Lifer’s puzzle is part of the Traces of Tides VIII quest. If you need help with that quest, we have a guide dedicated to it as well.

Black Piece on the top right

Once you reach the Lifer’s puzzle, you need to move the black pieces so that there’s one on the top-right corner of the circle. It should look like the one in the image above.

Storage room path

This will open the southeastern door leaving the puzzle room. Go through it and run all the way to the end to reach a sort of storage room. Do be careful, though, there are many enemies in the way!

Shelf and blocks

Once you enter the storage room, check the southeastern corner. You should spot a pit blocked by a bookcase and some blocks. Use a strong Echo transformation, such as the Cuddle Wuddle, to break the rocks.

Sonance Casket #10 | Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

You’ll find the Sonance Casket partway through the pit leading to the secret cave here!

Sonance Casket #11

Sonance Casket #11

For this Sonance Casket, go to square ruins east of the Resonance Nexus near Hallowed Reach. The Sonance Casket is floating at the top of the ruin.

Sonance Casket #12

Sonance Casket #12 | Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Start from the Resonance Nexus east of Hallowed Reach and go northwest. You will reach a ruined town that doubles as a Treasure Spot. Look for the tower in the northern part of the town and climb it to collect the final Sonance Casket.

Phew, that’s all of the Sonance Casket: Ragunna locations in the Fagaceae Peninsula area in Wuthering Waves. For help hunting down more of these Sonance Caskets, check out our guide on all the Sonance Casket: Ragunna locations in Averardo Vault.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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