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Black Ops 6 Zombies: Laptop Locations & Computer Code Math Puzzle Solution | Terminus Beamsmasher

Get these steps done to get closer to acquiring your own Beamsmasher!



The release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 marks yet another entry in the long line of addicting zombie game modes that a lot of people look forward to every time Activision’s cash cow gets a new installment. In the latest version of Zombies, you can unlock a weapon called the Beamsmasher in Terminus, and this guide will help you through one complex step in that process!

Laptop Locations & Computer Code Math Puzzle Solution | Terminus Beamsmasher

At some point in your search for the Beamsmasher, you will have to look for three laptops that can be found at specific parts of the map. These will unlock the puzzle that will take you one step closer to the wonder weapon you have been looking for.

In the following sections, we will be providing an image of each spot in the map as well as some directions from specific parts of Terminus so you can have extra points of reference. You can do them in any order.

Laptop #1 (Z) – Outside Communications

From the Control Center, you will want to head over to the door down south. This will lead you back outside at a part of the map that’s considered to be within the Communications area.

Immediately turn to your right and you should see one of the laptops (with the “Z” label) just beside the railing. Interact with it and move on to the next one once it starts displaying an image. These symbols in each laptop will come into play later, but you don’t need to memorize them.

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies laptop location for Z value

Laptop #2 (Y) – At the Storage Area

This next one, labeledY”, can be found directly to the west of where the previous one can be found. Circle around the map until you make it to the Storage Area.

At the Storage Area, make your way up the stairs to the north and check around on the balcony just outside of where the Door Buys icon is in the map. You should be able to see the next laptop here, sitting in the open right beside some railings again.

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies laptop location for Y value

Laptop #3 (X) – Docks Under Sea Tower

This one is pretty straightforward as you can easily find your way to the laptop from the docks. While at the docks, right beside the water, head straight up the stairs to the northwest. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, turn right and you should see the next laptop right beside you.

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies laptop location for X value

Sea Tower Briefcase

In case you haven’t already done so, proceed up to the Sea Tower above the Docks. At the southern corner of the room, you will find a desk with a briefcase on it. Open this container to get the Multiphasic Resonator, which you will need to start the puzzle in the next part.

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies briefcase location at sea tower

Solving The Math Problem

After you have activated all three of the laptops, you will need to return to the Research Office just outside of the Living Quarters. Interact with the strange-looking computer to your right. A set of sticky notes should appear under the screen.

The puzzle here will be different for everyone. Basically, you need to solve the three equations on the right whiteboard in the corner of the room. To do this, you will first need to figure out the values of X, Y, and Z.

Using the symbols on the sticky notes (the ones displayed by each laptop earlier), you can find the value of each letter by looking at where they are on the left whiteboard. Explaining this part is much easier with a visual aid, so refer to the image below for further clarification.

The rows from 0 to 2 (Y axis) in the whiteboard will be the first part of each value, while the columns going across horizontally (X axis) will be the second part. So, in the example image below, “X” will be “20” because those are the numbers that the symbol aligns with on the board (row 2, column 0), and so on and so forth.

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies visual aid for puzzle example

Next, we will now have to use these values to solve the equations on the whiteboard on the right. This is basic math, but to make your life easier, just save yourself a lot of time and whip out a calculator.

The equations on the right whiteboard, as far as we can tell, will be the same for everyone. So, you will need to solve the following using whatever numbers RNGesus gave you:

  • Equation #1: 2x + 11
  • Equation #2: (2z + y) – 5
  • Equation #3: | (y + z) – x |

Following the example above, the answers will look like this upon inserting the values of each letter:

  • #1: 2(20) + 11 = 51
  • #2: (2(22) + 11) – 5 = 50
  • #3: | (11 + 22) – 20 | = 13

When you have finished your computations, input the answers at the computer from left to right. If done correctly, the machine will start searching for the place you need to go to in order to reach the next part of the Beamsmasher quest!

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies example of puzzle solution

Alternative: Skip the Math

If you don’t want to do any of the math, you can go to Dr. Peck over at the Guard Station. If you approach his window, you will get the option to bribe him for the calibrator code. This will cost you 5,000 essence.

By picking this route, you can skip the entire math puzzle as the correct code will be displayed on the screen near Dr. Peck, and you just need to input it at the Research Office. It is a pretty expensive option, but if you can afford it, this will save you a decent amount of time!

COD Black Ops 6 Zombies Dr Peck code after bribing

That is all of the information you need to complete this whole section of the Beamsmasher side quest. Hope you’re ready to do some island hopping, because that is essentially what the next part is going to be!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.


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