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Wuthering Waves – All New Red Elite Enemy Locations in Rinascita Update 2.0

Where do you find these types of enemies in Wuthering Waves’ new region?



Wuthering Waves just rolled out a huge update recently, and it includes an entire new region called Rinascita. This patch, dubbed “Version 2.0”, also comes with a wide range of new enemies, a vast number of puzzles and optional side quests to do, and many more things to discover. In this guide, we will be sharing with you the spawn locations for elite enemies in the new region!

All New Red Elite Enemy Locations in Rinascita Update 2.0

In the new region of Rinascita, there are seven of these special elite enemies to find around the map. As with the others of its kind, they have a sinister red aura around them, and they are going to be pretty tough to beat if you are unprepared.

With that said, they have set spawn locations and will be relatively easy to find. Let us go through each of them below:

Elite Enemy #1 – Chop Chop (Penitent’s End)

First up, you will find a level 120 Chop Chop at the northeastern corner of Penitent’s End. It is found in a camp site near the shore, so there is a chance you might run into it accidentally while simply exploring the region.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #1

Elite Enemy #2 – Plushie Gang (Averardo Vault)

For this next one, you will have to check one of the ruins along the road to the southwest of Averardo Vault, which is at the western part of the region. There, somewhere around the marked area of the image below, you will find a Plushie Gang consisting of level 120 elite enemies.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #2

Elite Enemy #3 – Vitreum Duet (Hallowed Reach)

At the Hallowed Reach, within the underground area that you can access near the Resonance Beacon just slightly south of the Wailing Ascent area, you will find the Vitreum Duet. They are a pair of Vitreum Dancers that you can engage with, and as usual, they are both level 120.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #3

Elite Enemy #4 – Nimbus Singers (Nimbus Sanctum)

Next are the Nimbus Singers, which can be found at the Atrium of Reflections at the Nimbus Sanctum zone, which is at the central part of the Rinascita region. There, on top of the giant structure, you will find a trio of Nimbus Singers that are, you guessed it, all level 120.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #4

Elite Enemy #5 – Fae Blaze (Fagaceae Peninsula)

The next set of enemies can be found at the Fagaceae Peninsula at the northeastern corner of the Rinascita region. Run alongside the northern part of the Oakheart Highcourt’s outskirts until you find a cave entrance. In there, you will find the Fae Blaze elite enemies gathered in a circle.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #5

Elite Enemy #6 – Knight of Sorrowful Aria (Averardo Vault)

Circling back to the Averardo Vault, you will find the level 120 Knight of Sorrowful Aria in a wide open area close to the Echo Challenge: Flight icon on the map. It is hard to miss, as it is a lone enemy waiting for you in a very open arena.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #6

Elite Enemy #7 – Forgotten Nobles (Thessaleo Fells)

Finally, near the middle of the Thessaleo Fells area at the southern edge of the Rinascita region, you will find the Forgotten Nobles. These ones are easy to stumble into accidentally as well, since they are standing right on top of the Twin Peaks bridge.

Wuthering Waves red elite enemy location #7

And those are all of the known special elite enemies that you can find in the Rinascita region as of the initial 2.0 update. While you are here, consider checking out our guided on how to find all of the treasure spot chests in the Fagaceae Peninsula of Wuthering Waves for some loot that requires no fighting, unlike the stuff listed here!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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