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Wuthering Waves: All Fagaceae Peninsula Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Find all of the chests in the Fagaceae Peninsula by checking this guide out!



Wuthering Waves has recently rolled out a huge update that introduced a whole lot of new content, including an entire region, several quests and exploration objectives to complete, and a whole bunch of hidden loot to uncover. In this guide, we will be showing you how to find all of the treasure spots scattered around the new Fagaceae Peninsula area.

All Fagaceae Peninsula Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Just like the other Treasure Spots, all you need to do in order to find these is to go to the designated areas in the map and use your sensor to uncover the location of each chest. Since they all get highlighted if you scan at the right area, you should have no trouble finding them.

With all of that in mind, let us go through each of the six Treasure Spots that you can find in this part of the Rinascita region.

Treasure Spot #1

The first one can be found to the northwest of the Resonance Beacon just outside of the Oakheart Highcourt. There, you will find a small camp with a circus tent and some supplies. By hitting the sensor, you will immediately see four chests at the ground level.

The only one of note here is the fifth chest, which you might not spot at first as it is the only “hidden” one. It is on top of a branch of the tree right beside the tent. You need to climb it in order to reach the chest above.

Wuthering Waves treasure spot location #1

Treasure Spot #2

The next one is on the opposite end of the area, to the far east. You need to enter the Oakheart Highcourt: Lower Tier zone through the cave entrance in the highlighted location below.

Once inside the cave, start using your scanner near the wide open area to highlight every supply chest. All of them are out in the open, albeit a bit spread out. No need to look for any secret passages or hidden mechanics here.

Wuthering Waves treasure spot location #2

Treasure Spot #3

This Treasure Spot is a bit out of the way, as it is closer to the Resonance Beacon beside the Wailing Ascent, which is far to the west of the Oakheart Highcourt. Head over to the highlighted spot in the map below to find it.

Just like the previous spot, all of the chests here are out in the open, though a bit spread out. They can all be found beside or on top of the structures in this small space, all very easy to find with the help of your sensor.

Wuthering Waves treasure spot location #3

Treasure Spot #4

The next spot is found on a small island in between the Oakheart Highcourt and the Shores of Last Breath, directly to the west of a Resonance Beacon. Almost all of the chests in this spot can be found around this little island, and you do not even need the sensor to find them.

The only exception is the fourth and last chest of this spot. Rather than being on the island, it can be found at the shore of the mainland, directly to the southeast of where the Treasure Spot icon is on the mini map.

Wuthering Waves treasure spot location #4

Treasure Spot #5

For the fifth Treasure Spot, head to the Coast of Anticipation just to the east of the Oakheart Highcourt. There, you will find a small campsite with three chests at the ground level. The only “hidden” ones here are the two chests above.

Simply look up after using your scan ability. Climb up the pillars to reach both of them and then we can proceed to the final area.

Wuthering Waves treasure spot location #5

Treasure Spot #6

Finally, head over to the Shores of Last Breath. Specifically, head on over to the Echo Challenge: Flight spot. Most of the chests in this location can be found in the towers scattered all around the place, so just glide towards each to claim them.

The only ones to really look for are the two chests that aren’t in or beside any of the towers. One is directly to the southwest of the Echo Challenge icon/tower in the map, which you can reach by simply jumping off the tower and gliding towards that direction. The other is at the yellow highlight at the image below.

Wuthering Waves treasure spot location #6

And those are all of the Treasure Spots in this part of the game’s new region, as well as how to find some of the actually hidden chests they contain. While you are here check out our guide on how to find all of the Treasure Spots at Whisperwind Haven in Wuthering Waves for even more loot to discover and claim!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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