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Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Find all of the treasure chests hidden in the Averardo Vault for some free loot!



The latest update of Wuthering Waves introduces the region of Rinascita, and this means that there is a plethora of new quests, mysteries, and more to uncover and complete. In this guide, we will be talking about the treasure chests that can be found within the Averardo Vault location, which is found at the eastern edge of this whole region.

All Averardo Vault Treasure Chest Locations

For this guide, you will be using your sensor to detect various treasure chests that are all just a few steps apart in each location. Because of how they work, we will just show you the general area you have to be in to detect all of them.

They will all be highlighted and will have a floating icon that you can see behind walls once you hit them with the sensor, and with most of them being literally out in the open, you really do not need to look far. With that in mind, let us get to the spots you need to check:

Treasure Spot #1

For the first one, head over to the highlighted part of the map below. There, all you need to do is hit your scanner to reveal all five chests concentrated in a hilariously small area. You cannot miss them, as they are quite literally all just a few steps away from one another.

Wuthering Waves Averardo treasure spot location #1

Treasure Spot #2

The next Treasure Spot is just beside the Resonance Beacon for this zone. Find the Aria Mummer NPC and use your sensor right beside them. This will reveal a chest behind the NPC and one on the stairs leading back down to the east.

For the actually “hidden” ones, you will find two chests on top of the pillars surrounding the structure the Aria Mummer is standing in. The last one can be found below the southern tip of this structure, hidden under the raised platform.

Wuthering Waves Averardo treasure spot location #2

Treasure Spot #3

Next up, the third Treasure Spot can be found to the southeast of the first spot we checked. Here, there will be four chests to claim. Three of them are on the ground and are not really hidden, as they are just found all around this ruined structure.

The last one, however, is high up. Look up to find two marked points that you can launch yourself towards. These will take you up the ruined pillars, allowing you to reach the chest at the top.

Wuthering Waves Averardo treasure spot location #3

Treasure Spot #4

For the penultimate spot, head over to the Averardo Vault icon on the map, as the Treasure Spot is right beside it. Upon using the sensor, you will find three chests immediately just a few steps away from one another at the ground level.

For the other two, you will need to take to the skies, as they can be found on the sides of the tower. The first one is at the southwest, just above where the chests at the ground were. From there, you can launch yourself up into the air again to reach the last chest at the top, at the northern part of the tower.

Wuthering Waves Averardo treasure spot location #4

Treasure Spot #5

The last spot is at the southwestern edge of the entire Averardo Vault zone. Here, all four chests can be found in and above the ruined structure seen in the image below. Just hit the scan button once and you will immediately find all four of them.

Wuthering Waves Averardo treasure spot location #5

And those are all of the treasure spots, as well as how to find the more hidden chests in each location. While you are here, check out our guide showing all of the Whisperwind Haven Treasure Spots in Wuthering Waves as well, so you can start looting more stuff on the opposite end of the map.

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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