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Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Explore this massive fortress and its surroundings to get all the Sonance Caskets.




You’ll need to find the locations for all the Sonance Casket: Ragunna in Averardo Vault if you’re looking to get 100% exploration for every area of the Rinascita region in Wuthering Waves.

The Averardo Vault area comprises the massive Averardo Vault fortress itself and its surroundings. It’s quite an expansive area, with lots of vertical exploration. Trying to find every Sonance Casket within on your own would be madness! Thankfully, you have us to help you out.

Read on and we’ll tell you the locations for every Sonance Casket: Ragunna in the Averardo Vault area of Wuthering Waves.

All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket: Ragunna Locations | Wuthering Waves

Sonance Casket #1

Sonance Casket #1 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

The first Sonance Casket: Ragunna we’ll go for in this Wuthering Waves guide is in the eastern part of Averardo Vault. You can find it floating atop a rocky formation by the waterfall in the spot marked on the map above.

Sonance Casket #2

Sonance Casket #2

Next up, we’ll go to the southeastern part of Averardo Vault. Get to the spot marked on the map above and you’ll find a ruined pillar on the ground. The Sonance Casket is floating above the pillar’s tip.

Sonance Casket #3

Sonance Casket #3 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Going further southeast, you want to go to the tiny island on the southeastern corner of the Averardo Vault. You’ll find the Sonance Casket floating above the water between the main landmass and the island.

Sonance Casket #4

Sonance Casket #4

For this one, go to the ruins southeast of the Garden of the Lost. Look for a ruined building along the road. The Sonance Casket is floating above the ruins.

Sonance Casket #5

Sonance Casket #5 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

Like the previous one on this list, this Sonance Casket is also on the ruins southeast of the Garden of the Lost. Go to the westernmost circular set of ruins and climb to the top of the tallest pillar there. The Sonance Casket is right on top of the pillar. Plus, you get a pretty nice view from up there!

Sonance Casket #6

Sonance Casket #6

This time, you’ll need to go to the central Averardo Vault building itself. The Sonance Casket is somewhere near the middle of the long bridge leading to the Sentry Construct boss. An easy way to reach it is to fast travel to the nearby Echo Challenge: Flight. Then, just fly north toward the bridge.

Sonance Casket #7

Sonance Casket #7 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

You can find this Sonance Casket floating above the water on the eastern part of the Averardo Vault area. It’s by the shore at sea level, near the Fractsidus camp.

This is the 7th Sonance Casket: Ragunna in our list of all their locations for Averardo Vault in Wuthering Waves. That means that you’re halfway through if you’ve been following this guide to the letter!

Sonance Casket #8

Sonance Casket #8

This Sonance Casket is close to the previous one, just go further northeast and approach the Fractsidus faction camp. The Sonance Casket is floating above the tent in the northern part of the camp. Be ready to fight or flee when you go pick it up!

Sonance Casket #9

Sonance Casket #9 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

You can find this Sonance Casket near the tip of the Averardo Vault’s southwestern gutter. To reach it, we recommend starting from high ground up in the Averardo Vault itself and flying down toward it.

Sonance Casket #10

Sonance Casket #10

For this one, go to the tiny peninsula on the northwestern corner of the Averardo Vault area. You’ll find the Sonance Casket floating above the tall hill on the eastern side of the peninsula.

Sonance Casket #11

Sonance Casket #11 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

This Sonance Casket is inside the ruins north of the Averardo Vault. Just walk into the ruins and you’ll see it floating below an archway, right in the middle of the ruins.

Sonance Casket #12

Sonance Casket #12

To reach this one, we recommend starting from the ruins where you got Sonance Casket #11. Jump off from the ruins and use your Flight ability to get under the natural arch northwest of the ruins. You should see the Sonance Casket floating right under the arch.

Sonance Casket #13

Sonance Casket #13 | Wuthering Waves: All Averardo Vault Sonance Casket Ragunna Locations

For this Sonance Casket, go to the northern tip of the Averardo Vault area. You have to go to the lake just a little bit west of where the “Dream Patrol: Dear Plushie Friends” node is. Go under the natural arch by the lake to find the Sonance Casket floating in the air.

Sonance Casket #14

Sonance Casket #14

For this Sonance Casket, go to the waterfall by the C-shaped road. It’s northwest of the Averardo Vault itself, by the Resonance Nexus. The Sonance Casket is floating right above the waterfall.

That’s the end of our guide, so now you know the locations for all the Sonance Casket: Ragunna collectibles in the Averardo Vault area in Wuthering Waves. Remember to go talk with Teensy Weensy to turn them in!

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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