World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is an upcoming expansion for the famous MMORPG, following the events of Shadowland.
It will be released on November 28 and apt to its name, one of the things it brings is flying with dragons.
To reach the full potential of your scaled friend you will need to pass by Dragon Glyphs, points scattered around the Dragon Isles. By passing through them you can win an achievement and a talent point to use in the dragon’s talent tree.
In this guide, I will show you all the Dragon Glyphs you can find in the Waking Shores
All Dragon Glyphs in Waking Shores Locations
The Waking Shores is the first zone you will encounter when you come to the Dragon Isles. It counts with ten Dragon Glyphs, not all of them so easy to get to.
Ruby Life Pools Glyph
You will find your first Glyph in the coordinates 54.43 74.22, at the northeastern part of the map. The Glyph is found at the top of a mountain hill you’ll easily localize on your map.
It’s easy to see even from a distance and there are plenty of things to stand on and let your dragon rest its wings, so you don’t have to worry about moving carefully to reach this one.
Obsidian Bulwark
Another glyph can be found at the coordinates 41.0 72.0. The glyph rests on top of a tall rock. Get over the place based on the coordinates we shared and you can get to it in one swoop: it’s not so high that your dragon’s vigor will run out before you get to the top of the rock, so there’s no problem for this one either.
Obsidian Throne
Found at the coordinates 21.0 51.0. The glyph waits for you at the very top of the mountain and there is magma all around, so for this one you got to be careful and watch your dragon’s vigor. Just look at the safe places to land and take it one step at a time and you will get to it.
There are Winds of the Isles around the area that can help you push your dragon, but they are unlocked by finishing the Ohn’ahran Plains questline, so maybe you want to head there first and talk to Merithra.
Skytop Observatory
Found at the coordinates 75.26 57.07. When you are in the area you will be able to see two large towers. The glyph waits at the top of the taller one.
Get as high as you can without flying first by walking up and close to the towers, fly to the smaller one, and there rest for at least two vigor to make sure you can get to the taller one and claim the glyph.
Overflowing Spring
Found at the coordinates 46.39 52.07. This glyph is located again on top of a hill. There’s nothing to watch for here: simply make your way upwards and land as high as you can, there’s plenty of space and no danger, so you can get there bit by bit until you see the glyph and snatch it.
Life-Binder Observatory
Found at the coordinates 52.60 17.12, at the very top left corner of your map. You will see a large building in the area with the glyph at the very top of it: luckily the situation is rather similar to the previous glyph.
It’s not that tall and there are lots of places to land, so just fly and land, making your way up slowly and steadily for another easy glyph grab.
Crumbling Life Archway
Found at the coordinates 56.6 55.0, the easiest or second easiest glyph to get, fly around the area and you will catch sight of it under a broken gate, barely at height.
Wingrest Embassy
Found at the coordinates 74.96 37.46 at the top right corner of the map. The area is rocky and presents a broken small tower that has the glyph on top of it. It can be a little hard to see, however, so if you are having any trouble spotting it just look for the broken tower and get high.
Dragonheart Outpost
Found at the coordinates 69.0 46.0, this glyphs waits atop a broken tower, pretty much like the previous one. This one is way easier to see, so just by getting to the area selected using the command /way plus the coordinates we gave you, you will get it.
Scalecracker Peak
Found at the coordinates 73.2 20. We did not leave this glyph last without reason: it’s the hardest one to get, and you will want as many talents as possible to get it. The glyph sits at the top of the highest peak in Scalecracker.
Image Credit: AndriKatsGames
There are no hard instructions to get there. The main tips to make it to the top are to get as many talents as possible before you attempt to get this Glyph, to always aim upwards as the smoke on the area can make it harder to navigate and to constantly rest on the peaks surrounding the tallest one.
If you pay attention, you will be able to see that they kind of go clockwise around this one and by height. With this glyph you will most definitely need to rest your dragon vigor, so don’t try to push it and risk a fall only to climb all the way up there again.
An ability that can help greatly is Whirling Surge, unlocked through Kalecgos in Azure Span after you complete some quests there.