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fortnite hidden henge season 4 fortnite hidden henge season 4


Fortnite: Hidden Henge | Season 4

What stays hidden never stays hidden forever.

John Alano



Fortnite has exceeded the players’ expectations with the Fortnite Season 4 update because of the new features it included in the game. The game evolved into something more interesting. Epic Games include new skins, sprays, guns, and vehicles to help you explore the map quickly.

On top of that, the game has become more realistic due to its recent application of Unreal Engine 5. The most notable change is that NPCs scattered throughout the world will affect your gameplay and could lead to victory.

If your goal is to locate some of the NPCs, this article will help you find one of them.

Hidden Henge Location in Fortnite Season 4

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Hidden Henge is one of the new regions you can explore in the latest Fortnite update. It’s located in the northwestern part of Faulty Splits as the image shown above.

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When you’re in the marked location, you will see a ruin hidden in the forest. You can find Helsie walking around and interact with her. You can either hire her for 100 gold bars or buy Thunder Shotgun for 400 gold bars.

John Alano is a passionate gamer and has been interested in RPGs and FPS games since he was little. His first consoles are Sega, Playstation 1, and even the family PC! Currently, he is focused on playing Lost Ark and Valorant.

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