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Brighter Shores: Where to Find Secateurs

Start your foraging journey with this quick tip!



Have you been leveling up your skills in Brighter Shores? Grinding is a core part of this RuneScape-inspired game, as one would expect, but it does leave things pretty vague when it comes to its many mechanics. If you are struggling to find a pair of secateurs to use for your early foraging levels, then read on to learn how to find it!

Where to Find Secateurs

In the interest of time, if you only need to buy secateurs, then you should head over to the location highlighted in the map image below. We have added directions from the Portal Stone of Hopeport as well.

Basically, you need to go to the Forager’s Warehouse just before the Town Gates area. This building is also marked by a sign that has a picture of a trowel on it.

Brighter Shores directions to the forager's warehouse

Inside, you will find an NPC named Ella, who will sell you various supplies and tools related to the foraging skill. Under the “Forager’s Equipment” tab, you should be able to see the Secateurs right there.

This will cost you a whopping 13 silver and 200 copper. If you are broke, you can make some quick and easy money by training up cooking at the Delectable Dab Restaurant. Once you buy the tool, it will be automatically equipped, and you can now start foraging plants within your level range!

Brighter Shores forager's warehouse shop menu

Foraging Level Not High Enough?

If you somehow stumbled across this store and are confused as to how you are supposed to get the foraging level to buy this tool, you will have to gather some kelp.

Kelp is the only thing you can gather early on that requires nothing but patience. These can be found at the East Beach, which you should be familiar with by now as you needed to get brown kelp during the intro sequence.

From here, just gather from the few Kelp nodes scattered around the place until you reach level 2 foraging. Once you hit that level, you can now purchase the Secateurs, with the added bonus of having some extra supplies for alchemy!

Brighter Shores directions to the east beach

And that is all you need to know in order to get the secateurs, including how to level up to meet the requirements for it. There are more tools to unlock later on, and luckily for you, this is also where you can get them, so you should be set for the most part!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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