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ASTRO BOT – All Lost Galaxy Level Locations Guide | Secret Level Exits

These secret levels won’t be so secret anymore!




Aside from all the standard stages in ASTRO BOT, there are also 10 secret level exits you can find that lead to extra Lost Galaxy levels.

These levels can be tricky to find and beat, but there’s bound to be a secret if you beat all of them. If nothing else, you’ll need to complete all of these levels if you wish to get 100% and the Platinum Trophy for the game.

In this guide, we’ll tell you the location of all of the secret level exits found across Astro Bot’s journey!

All Lost Galaxy Level Locations Guide | Secret Level Exits

Az-Tech Trail – Fan Club

The first of all Lost Galaxy level locations in this ASTRO BOT guide can be found in the Az-Tech Trail stage, in the Gorilla Nebula. You’ll need to play the level as normal until you enter a small temple with 4 torches on the wall.

You’ll have to smack the nearby ladybug to flip it around, allowing you to bounce on it to reach the highest torches.

Hit all 4 torches to extinguish their fires to reveal a small room with a disco globe. These disco globes are the ones that lead to the Lost Galaxy levels, so you’ll find them in every location on this list. Simply pull on its cord to activate it and reveal the secret level exits!

Creamy Canyon – Funky Fungi

You can find the Funky Fungi Lost Galaxy level in Creamy Canyon, in the Gorilla Nebula. Keep progressing through the level as normal until you reach the first area with a pink pig robot, as shown above.

Grab the pig by the tail and look for a nearby ice sculpture of a seal. Throw the pig at the ice sculpture to break it.

Jump toward where the ice sculpture was and hold Square to use your drill and enter a secret area.

The secret level exit to the Funky Fungi Lost Galaxy will be right in front of you.

Go-Go Archipelago! – Light Bulb Limbo

The Light Bulb Limbo secret exit level is right at the end of the Go-Go Archipelago! stage, in the Tentacle System Nebula. Beat the boss at the end of the stage and look below one of the boss’ pincers on the right side of the arena. Hold Square while standing on the marked spot on the sand.

You’ll land in a cave. Turn around after falling and you’ll spot the disco globe leading to the secret level exit!

Downsize Surprise – Boxel Bust-Up

For this one, go to Downsize Surprise in the Tentacle System Nebula. You’ll reach a rooftop section after going through a bedroom as part of the level’s natural progression. When you reach this spot, take the path to the left on the rooftop. Glide on top of the glass panel near the cat to break it and reveal a fan. Transform into a mouse to ride the air current up and reach another area.

After you ride the air current, look for a frog. You can either blow on your controller or smack the frog while Astro Bot is normal-sized to activate it.

When the frog is activated, transform back into the mouse form and ride the air bubble released by the frog.

You’ll find the secret level exit on top of some branches after riding the air bubble.

Bathhouse Battle – Furnace Fever

If you’ve been following our list in order, this is the 5th of 10 Lost Galaxy Level locations in ASTRO BOT, so you’re halfway through finding all of the secret level exits. For this one, go to the Bathhouse Battle stage in the Serpent Starway Nebula. Play through the level until you soak 3 sponges to form a path leading to the rooftop shown above.

As soon as you reach the rooftop area, turn around to find a puddle of water. Have Astro Bot soak up the water here.

Next, look for the closest tori gate on a nearby floating island. Jump through it and then jump onto the cherry tree nearby.

You should now be in front of a burning chimney, as shown above. Release the water to extinguish the flame on the chimney, then jump down the chimney.

This will take you to a secret room with the Lost Galaxy level entrance.

Free Big Brother! – Ghouls & Bots

To be able to enter this Lost Galaxy level, you must first reach the end of the Free Big Brother! Stage in the Serpent Starway Nebula. Break all 4 locks to free the big robot in the level and then backtrack to the very start. Look for some sort of temple emerging out of the water, as shown above.

Jump toward the temple and you’ll notice two panels with lightning bolt icons on them. Stand on them and an alien will appear and try to shock you. Dodge the alien’s attacks and have it shock both of the panels in front of the temple.

The temple will open up and reveal the Lost Galaxy level entrance once you light up both panels. Thank the alien for his help!

Hieroglitch Pyramid – Rocket Pull Power!

For this Lost Galaxy level, go to the Hieroglitch Pyramid stage in the Camo Cosmos Nebula. Play the level until you can see the standard exit to the level. Instead of taking it, though, ignore it and take the path to the right.

It’s worth noting that Hieroglitch Pyramid is also relevant for the “Thick As Thieves” trophy. It’s the location of one of the two legendary explorers you have to find!

Reach the end of the path and you should notice some wooden planks hidden beneath all the gems. Jump and dive in the metal ball form to break the planks and jump into a secret area.

In this part, you’ll need to go through the walls by pushing against the green blocks. One of the green blocks should move when pushed, allowing you to pass through. Which one it is, though, is random!

Just preserve and push through the green blocks until you reach the end of the area. The secret level exit awaits you on the other side!

Balloon Breeze – Danger Dojo

For this Lost Galaxy level, play the Balloon Breeze stage in the Camo Cosmos Nebula until you first obtain the stage’s octopus backpack power-up. Once you do so, backtrack to the previous ladybug robot.

Use the ladybug, your regular glide, and the octopus backpack power-up all together to reach a potted plant floating nearby.

Once you reach the potted plan, spin near the flower-bot to activate it and reveal a floating island full of bamboo.

Jump on the red square in the bamboo floating island to reveal a DualSense minigame. Use it to shoot the bamboo in front of you.

When you’ve cut enough of the bamboo, go straight ahead and approach the spot that was covered by the bamboo. You’ll find a metal ring with eyes on the ground. Use the lasers from your glide on the metal ring and it will activate.

At long last, the secret exit level will appear right above you!

Djinny of the Lamp – High-Suction Hero

This time, you’ll want to reach the end of the Djinny of the Lamp stage in the Feather Cluster Nebula. Once you defeat the Djinny and reach the regular level exit, turn around and look for a platform full of trophies.

From the top of the platform, aim your camera down to notice some panels on the ground level. These panels are there to signal the location of invisible floating platforms that you can use. Make your way to the other end of the area using these panels to guide you.

Once you reach the other end, you’ll see a rolled-up carpet. Give it a good smack, then stand on it to fly to a new area.

Thanks to the magic carpet, you’re now right in front of the secret level exit!

Frozen Meal – Turtles In Trash

At long last, we’re nearing the end of our list of all Lost Galaxy level locations in ASTRO BOT, as you should have already found all the previous 9 secret level exits already. For the 10th and final secret level exit, go to the Frozen Meal stage in the Feather Cluster Nebula. Reach the spot shown above, where you can see two penguin robots playing with a snowball.

Take the snowball from them and roll it toward the nearby cliff, as you can see in the image. Roll it around in the snow first if you want to make it bigger. Either way, jump onto the snowball once you get it near the cliff.

Climb the ledge using the snowball and you should spot a cord in front of you. Pull it to flip it over and reveal a big red button.

Press the button to hop onto a DualSense, which you can use to vacuum the ice blocks covering the wall in front of you.

Vacuum all the ice blocks to remove the wall and you’ll see the final secret level exit right in front of you!

Final Encore

Final Encore Stage

You thought we were done? Well, surprise! While it’s true that there are 10 secret level exits across the game, there are actually 11 Lost Galaxy levels. This one is the simplest one to unlock, though, you just have to beat all of the previous 10 Lost Galaxy levels. The Final Encore stage will appear in the Lost Galaxy Nebula as soon as you beat them all!

We hope this guide helped you find all of the 10 secret level exits in ASTRO BOT and the Lost Galaxy levels they lead to. Some of these certainly were cleverly hidden, huh?

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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