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ASTRO BOT – All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

Wait, is this Uncharted or Jak & Daxter?




The Dude Raiding stage in ASTRO BOT has 3 Egg Artifacts in different locations, picking them all up will reward you with the “The Lost Eggacy” trophy.

Seemingly, this seems to be a double throwback to Naughty Dog’s historied past. The stage itself is clearly based on the Uncharted series, but the golden Egg Artifacts you collect seem to be a reference to Jak & Daxter instead!

In this guide, we’ll tell you the locations for all 3 Egg Artifacts so you can collect them with ease.

All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

Faces by the Plane

Plane | ASTRO BOT - All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

As you go through the level, you’ll eventually reach a part of the jungle where a plane crashed on top of a tree. It’s the spot shown in the image above, for reference.

Drop down ledge

Once you reach the platform with the plane, look over the edge behind the chest to find a hidden ledge below.

-.- Faces

Jump onto the ledge and check the wall. There will be four stones with faces on them, which you can spin around by hitting them. Smack them until they all have “-.-“ faces, as shown above.

First Egg | ASTRO BOT - All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

The wall will move aside and reveal a hidden area with the Egg Artifact once the faces match.

Jumping on Turtles

Turtles | ASTRO BOT - All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

After you slide down the mountain, you’ll reach a checkpoint area with some turtles swimming in the water. Use the turtles to your right to jump across to a faraway island. You can rescue the No-Nonsense Merc (Nadine Ross) Bot on that island, as well.

Coins and path

When you reach the island, go up the platforms and follow the path laid out by the Coins.

Second Egg | ASTRO BOT - All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

You’ll find the Egg Artifact on top of a column at the end of the path.

Purple Cave

Purple Cave | ASTRO BOT - All Egg Artifacts Locations Guide | The Lost Eggacy Trophy

You should already have 2 Egg Artifacts at this point, so it’s time to go to the last of these locations and get the “The Lost Eggacy” trophy in ASTRO BOT. For now, you simply need to continue through the level until you reach the cave with purple spikes shown above. It’s near the end of the level.

Look behind you

Climb the rope almost all the way up, then turn around to find an open section behind you. Jump toward it and take out the enemy bot there.

Final Egg

The last Egg Artifact will be on a small altar, right in the middle of this section of the cave.

So there you have it, now you know the locations for all the 3 Egg Artifacts required to earn the “The Lost Eggacy” trophy in ASTRO BOT. For a similar trophy, check out our guide on all the Bot of War Raven locations required for “Eyes of the All-Seeing Father”.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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