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World of Warcraft: How to Use Dragon Isles Artifacts

Go to this location to use the artifacts




Dragonflight, the next expansion for World of Warcraft, has not yet been made available. The game is still being tested in public, though.

You can test out a new class and playable character, as well as the new mount and environment, during the open test runs. You can acquire Dragon Isles Artifacts in the game, and we’ll show you how to use them.

How to Use Dragon Isles Artifacts in World of Warcraft

Credits: WoW Quests

The Dragon Isles is a new continent that will be included in World of Warcraft’s ninth expansion, Dragonflight. The Dragon Isles are divided into 5 areas. A new playable race, class, and feature are also included.

The very first race and class combination to be playable are the Dracthyr Evoker. When engaging in combat, you have a choice of taking on a human or draconic form.

You may travel the land with the new Dragon Isles Drakes thanks to the newest feature, Dragonriding. In the Walking Shore, the Dragon Isles Artifacts are usable.

Using the Dragon Isles Artifacts

In World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, artifacts can be found in the Expedition Scout’s Pack and dirt piles dotted around the Dragon Isles. These items can be used at the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Walking Shores of the Dragon Isles. To speak with the NPC Cataloger Jakes, enter a large tent.

After speaking with her, select Dragon Isles Artifacts from the menu. You will gain 15 Dragonscale Expedition Reputation after you choose this. If you have plenty of artifacts, you can repeat this process often.

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